This has been a pretty hectic year for us. A lot has happened, more so than any other year in my life (if you ask me!) haha it was one of the best years, however with all really good things comes some of the crummiest of times but I guess thats how life works.
I am a fuddy duddy this year as far as new years eve goes... I am wearing an old worn out Sadie Hawkins dance shirt from 2002 that fits quite snuggly over my big belly and inside out pj pants, oh my my shirt is inside out too... not sure how that happened. Dan is playing with his new G1 phone and I am taking a break from updating my new phone I got that has the smallest buttons in the world.
We sure know how to party! Anyway I am waving goodbye to 2009 and excited for everything 2010 will bring!!
January ~ We both started our senior internships

February ~ Valentines day

March ~ Visited AZ for job interviews and celebrated my grandma's 80th birthday

April ~ I "graduated" and we got our endowments out at the Draper Temple

May ~ Dan graduated

June ~ We moved to Az, got Tiny, got Sealed in the SLC Temple and celebrated our 1 year anniversary and I turned 23

July ~ found out I was pregnant

August ~ Saw our baby girl for the first time

September ~ Dan turned 23

October ~ found out we were having a girl

November ~ Had the roughest month of the year
December ~ Saw Ava's face and enjoyed our Christmas break