Us infertile ladies are receiving a very steady income of pregnancy announcements and its not easy for us, no we are not mad at you but its a hard reminder for us of what we can't have (no one blames you for having a beautiful perfect little baby, we want the same thing! its just hard being the one that can't have a child when they so desperately want one). There are ways to lessen the surprise for those who are not booming and that can help a lot...
The hardest part for me in this boom is that we are hearing announcements of people on their 2nd pregnancies since we have been trying for 1 and that has been a huge struggle for me, I know soon here we will be hearing about people getting pregnant with their 3rd child in the time we've been trying but I know I shouldn't get ahead of myself... I know if we lived in the noninfertility world we'd be just like everyone else... but over 2 1/2 years later we are still waiting..
Anyway... Like I've said before, I don't expect everyone to tell us personally (or simply through an email) but I really and truly appreciate the ones that have, it has meant the world. I've found that there's nothing more upsetting to me (when it comes to pregnancy announcements) than finding out via adorable pregnancy announcement photo on facebook/blog/instagram etc. I'm really sorry if that sounds rude but when you've been trying to get pregnant for over 2 1/2 years you have heard/seen a LOT of pregnancy announcements and its never gotten easier for me.
Anyway liked this article. Gives good advice.
Telling Your Infertile Friend or Relative That You're Pregnant
Sharing the News and Maintaining Your Friendship Through Pregnancy
By Rachel Gurevich, Guide
Updated March 28, 2013 Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by the Medical Review Board
Don't let your new pregnancy get in the way of your friendship.
Photo (c) Michael Hitoshi / Getty ImagesHere are some ways to make it easier on you both.
Tell Her - Don't Keep Your Pregnancy a Secret
Not telling your friend, but telling others, may seem protective and easier at first, but it is also very likely to backfire. She may find out from someone else in a non-understanding setting. She may also feel hurt you kept the pregnancy a secret from her.Be sure that you're the one to tell her about your new pregnancy, and not someone down the grapevine.
Give Her Space and Time
Your friend will want to be happy for you, but it's normal for her first reaction to be heartache. This is about her feelings of loss, and not because she's unhappy with your pregnancy. Allowing her space and permission to have these feelings (and remembering it's not about you!) is the key to being a wonderful friend.Giving her space may mean giving her the news via email, or telling her face to fact but in a relaxed setting. For example, telling her at Thanksgiving Dinner is not a great idea. The week before, perhaps during a coffee date together, would be better.
Giving her "permission" for her feelings could mean simply stating, "I know this may be hard for you to hear, and I just want you to know I understand." Of course, no one needs another person's permission to have their feelings, but knowing you understand will provide a tremendous amount of relief.
Invite Her to the Baby Shower But Give Her an Easy Out
Another mistake people often make is not inviting their infertile friend or relative to the baby shower. It's true that baby showers are often difficult for the fertility challenged, but not being invited is also painful. Instead, invite her, but be clear that you understand if she'd rather not attend or wants give a gift at a later time.Stay in Touch
The fertility challenged can feel like their friends disappear one by one off into motherhood, leaving them behind. The fact is that pregnancy and early motherhood are overwhelming and take a good amount of time. However, maintaining friendship is also important, and even if you can't be in touch as often, don't just stop calling altogether.If you're worried about talking only about the pregnancy and the baby, try to remember all the things you spoke about before you got pregnant. Make yourself a list, if it helps, so that when you call, you're not scrambling for non-baby related topics to talk about.
Don't Assume She Doesn't Want to Hear About Your Pregnancy
Yes, hearing about morning sickness and first kicks can be difficult in some situations, but not all. Your friend might complain about her coworker who talks endless about her morning sickness, but she may enjoy hearing all about yours. Not sure how much she'd like to hear? Ask her!The uncomfortable barrier between pregnant and infertile friends isn't primarily caused by the pregnancy, but by all the unspoken fears and tension that grow in silence. The pregnant friend worries about not hurting the infertile friend's feelings, and the infertile friend wonders why the pregnant friend doesn't want to speak to her anymore.
It doesn't have to be this way. Talk about your concerns, let your friend know you care and understand, and, most importantly, don't drop out of your friend's life.
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