Monday, September 24, 2012

Dance... not what we expected

Today was the 3rd day of Dance. I walked in and saw a different teacher and thought "well maybe this will be good" within 2 minutes I knew it wasn't good.  The class has ballooned up to 15 kids! with 1 teacher? they are all 1-2 years old. That is way too many kids to one adult.

Ava once again was having a hard time staying on her spot and within 15 minutes she had been put in time out 3+ times.  Finally the teacher yelled at her and I went in and grabbed her and took her out.  I went to the front to talk to the manager. I can fully accept that Ava is not ready for their style of class. However their style of class is not what I wanted for Ava and not what I expected.

I told her that I was unhappy with the teachers style of dealing with Ava and unhappy with the size of the class.  She told me first that the teachers were not supposed to exclude the kids from participating in teh class and that the class wasn't supposed to be bigger than 8 kids... and maybe today was a fluke with kids doing a make up class but I told her its been 10-15 kids each class. Today was the worst.

She kept apologizing and that's when I started crying. I HATE crying in public but I was frustrated.  Another one of the moms from the class came up to check on me be and just said "I'm sorry she's having a hard time" and gave me a hug. I appreciated that so so much.

In that time Ava had gone back to the dance class because she does want to be there but the other mom helped me get Ava back out. The manager felt bad and offered to have Ava try the Thursday class that only has 5 kids or to try the tumbling class which is more geared towards running around and playing instead of standing on a spot for 30 minutes.

All I wanted was a fun little class to get Ava out in a fun environment where she could learn to interact with other kids doing something fun. This is not how its turning out so we either find a new studio or wait till she's a little older and try again. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Last Monday was Ava's first day of dance! A dozen little 2 year olds dressed in pink and black ballet clothes, so cute! Ava started out a little timid but she came out of her shell in the first 5 minutes, maybe a little too out of her shell. She was the only one that wouldn't stand on her little circle and the teacher had to spend a good deal of class putting Ava back.

I completely expected this, however I expected this from all of the kids, but really only Ava and 1 other little girl were being put back in their spots consistantly?! I even asked another mom if I missed a class because how did all these kids know what they were doing!?

These 2 videos were pretty much her best behavior. The teacher was nice and told us afterwards that "there are usually 1 or 2 kids that take a few weeks to figure it out"... she had a blast thou :) We quickly realized that out of the 10 2 year olds she was the only only child. I don't know if that makes a difference but she's the only one that doesn't have to share her time with anyone else or ever wait for anyone else... so in her world everything revolves around her... Oh well we will figure it out.

Tomorrow is her 2nd day :)

Friday, September 14, 2012

2 1/2 Year Update

I blinked and 6 months flew by and it feels like the next 6 months will go by so quick and then she will be 3!

Dan started his new job this week after being laid off a week ago and we are so thankful that it all happened so quick so that he was not unemployed for more than a few days.  Dan's 26th birthday is on Tuesday and then Kate and Ellerie come for a week starting on Wednesday!!! We cannot wait to get our hands on that cute baby!

I attempted to do some accurate (as accurate as I can do on my own) measurements this morning.  The stats I'll be putting in the baby book.

35.5 pounds (97%)
38.5 inches (97%)

This is the first time she's ever been bellow 99.6% for height since she was 2 months old! maybe this means she's slowing down! She wears size 4 dresses, 3/4 tops and 3/4 bottoms (3 pants and 4 skirts shorts) She wears size 9/10 shoes.

She talks NON stop even if it doesn't make sense, she never stops talking, from the moment she wakes up till the moment she falls asleep at night, she's just talking. We have some favorite "avaisms"

Oh no, oh dear, hey guys, whats going on, you found me, thank you soooo much, I can't do it (usually says when we are changing her diaper), Ya elp (which means you come help me), come on let's go, It's stuck, yucky diaper (keee), teek a boo....

I was asking her what noises things make yesterday and she told me what a dinosaur, bird, chickie, horse, dog, cow, sheep, duck, cat and mommy's say :) Mommy's say "its okay, its okay" and pat you on the arm.  Made my heart melt!!

She loves colors and especially loves all the colorful things we put in her room when we redid it last month. She knows all the colors names but doesn't usually get them right. Everything to her seems to be yellow or green :) Dan asked if she was color blind... no she's just 2.

We've had to child proof all of our doors, none of them are safe unless they are locked from the other side.  She also has figured out how to get in and out of her booster seat at the kitchen table all on her own!

She loves to wear seat belts and whenever she gets in the car, stroller, shopping cart she says "seat belt! so we can be safe" thanks to Dora. She has figured out how to unclip seat belts in shopping carts but just for the purpose of reclipping them :)

She sings everytime we get in the car and if she is in a bad mood (which does happen more now a days than before) we put on "some nights" by fun and she sings it so loud :) Its so cute. I love when she starts singing it on her own without the music and hearing what words she thinks are in the song.

She hates going to places like Joanns and Hobby Lobby but the one thing she does like about the trips is when we get fabric cut. She pretends her fingers are scissors and says "nuk nuk nuk" which I guess is the sound scissors make?  She LOVES scissors... never thought I'd have to worry about scissors soo much. She see's a pair and she must have it and she must make it go open and close and she loves to pretend she has scissors... it scares me

She is so much fun and a lot more work than she used to be, but we figure it out each day. Napping is really hit or miss. She went 3 weeks without a single nap till we got her the big twin bed. now it just depends on the day.  I have a feeling she will give up napping all together soon.

She is the little love of my life and regardless what happens with our infertility I feel so blessed and lucky to have Ava. I want so much to give her a little sibling... I have to remind myself that it will happen eventually whether through adoption or pregnancy. We will find a way to make our family grow. I am so excited to see Ava as a big sister, it makes me so happy thinking about it. She is my sweet sweet girl and I can't imagine a day without her.

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Ava starts dance tomorrow! I'm excited, I hope Ava's excited too :)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Private blog

I made the infertility blog private again. I'm open to send invites :) so if anyone wants one let me know your email address