Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Ava

Ava's 1st Steps!

Ava took her very first steps yesterday! 2 to be exact! I always thought kids walked by 1... nope not Ava. I then found out its totally normal for them not to walk till even as much as 18 months... OH so not okay. Ava weighs about 28 pounds and it really really hurts my back to carry her around all the time.

Ava is pretty timid about standing on her own. She has only been doing it for a little while. She will let go of things and stand there for a minute or so, maybe. Yesterday we gave her Grandma's phone to play with and while she was playing with it and standing there she took 2 steps towards me! I started screaming I was so excited, and of course my mom started crying!

The day before Ava was sitting on the floor playing with a toy carrot. She started picking pretend pieces of off it and eating them while saying "yumm" both my mom and I started crying on that one. I could not believe she was old enough to pretend like that! It was so cute.

Speaking of being around my mom, we made a quick impromptu trip to see family here in AZ. I was having a hard time thinking that it would have been 5 months between visits if we waited till the end of May so I couldn't do it. I had to come for Easter.

Ava has been having so much fun here in AZ. She has a lot more room to play and lots of people to see! She went swimming in a baby pool for the first time and LOVED it. We will have to do that more when it warms up in Utah. She also went to the Phoenix Zoo for the first time! Thanks Aunt Kate and Uncle Kirk :)

I think we will be staying another week here, so we look forward to seeing people and 'enjoying' the heat. I will say, I have become accustom to Utah weather and AZ is SOOO hot to me now!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

13 Months

Ava's 13 months old now! Dang time goes way too fast. Still no walking but she is standing on her own more and more often. She will let go of things and wave or clap or play "so big" and then go back to holding onto whatever piece of furniture it is.

She is playing more games now, she's had 'patty cake' down to a science for a while but now if you ask her how big she is she will throw her arms up and we say "so big" and she will also do "popcorn popping" and if you ask her to do "popcorn" she will pop with her hands. Its so cute!

She still doesn't say any words other than make noises like "mama" and "dada" but she's got time. I'm trying to get her to say "ba" lately, she used to say it more but now I'm trying to get her to say it for "ball" She has this little kick ball she loves, she throws it or kicks it or rolls it all around. Today we all sat on the floor rolling it to each other :) she loves it!

Ava loves books. She will sit and 'read' forever. Its one of her favorite activities. She also adores other kids. Whenever other kids are around she has to be turned around looking at what they are doing and starts making all her happy noises. It sounds like she is trying to get there attention.

Ava still sleeps really well! 6 months now she has been a SOLID sleeper and I am so thankful for it. I can even go into her room at night (while she is in there asleep) turn on the light, put laundry away, clean up and she doesn't wake up. One night this week she sat up but kept her eyes closed so I just had to go over and lay her back down and she just stayed asleep! Every now and again I get her out of her crib in the middle of the night to cuddle her and rock her in the rocking chair. If I stop rocking she starts pushing against my legs to tell me she wants me to keep going. I love it. She won't cuddle with me or sleep in our bed so when she lets me rock her in the middle of the night makes me really happy.

We love our little Ava. She won't stay little for too much longer, she'll be 21 before I know it!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ava Stands!

Friday, April 1, 2011

My babies 1st tooth

Ava finally got her first tooth! She's been teething for a couple weeks now. The doctor pointed out that she was getting this tooth when we went to her 1 year check up on the 16th. It finally cut through today. It is so sharp! No wonder babies are tiny monsters when they are teething! I would be too!!

Anyway, I'm sad to see her little gummy smile go away, but excited that this tooth finally broke through and she can get a break (for a minute).