Sunday, November 1, 2009

20 Weeks

So happy to be at the half way point! Its getting really hard to get out of low chairs and couches and cars. As of my last OB visit on Thursday I am up 4 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. I lost weight during my first trimester so I feel like I am up a lot more than 4 but that's what they count.

I still am experiencing morning sickness but I have to remind myself it is better than it was a month ago and a month ago was better than the month before! I can't believe we are already at the start of November! I have a lot of things I need to get done and out of the way quick!


Cat and Blake Potter said...

hey congrats!!! I haven't been able to get onto your blog for some reason...but if you made it private, my email is I am pregnant too with a girl!! How exciting for you guys! I hope you're feeling ok.

Charlie and Christina said...

Congrats on 20 weeks! I can't wait to be there too!

The Winkelman's said...

I know that we don't really know each other a ton but I just wanted to let you know that I think you and Dan are awesome and I LOVE looking at your blog. And I'm so excited for you guys to have a baby girl in March. They are so much fun! As I'm sure you're aware, we also have a black pug (named Sarge) and a fawn one (named Captain). Anyway, I'm excited to get to know you and to see how your pregnancy progresses. Good luck, and I hope the morning sickness goes away soon.. it's the worst!