We converted Ava's crib to a toddler bed :)
Cousin Asher was born! And Ava had her 2 year portraits done. Aunt Lisa moved to Korea and Ava and Mommy went to Arizona for 3 weeks into March for Ava's birthday.
Miss Ava turned TWO! Dad came down for the last weekend of the trip so we could have a birthday party for Ava! We went to the Phoenix Botanical Garden with Aunt Kate. We found out Aunt Kate was having a GIRL! On our way home from Arizona we went and stayed in Las Vegas for a night.
We celebrated Ava's 3rd Easter! We took her to the Orem City Easter egg hunt. We also went to the tulip festival with Grama and Grampa at Thanksgiving Point. Ava officially got rid of the BINKY at 25 months :)
Dad went to the Indy 500 and Mom and Ava went to Arizona again :) We played in the water a lot and went to the zoo.
We celebrated Ellerie by having a baby shower for her in Arizona! We also went to the Phoenix Childrens Museum with Aunt Kate and Uncle Kirk. Once back in Utah we took Ava to the Orem Carnival. She got sick with a crummy case of Hand foot and mouth disease for a few weeks. After that we took her to the Freedom Festival at the Riverwoods. We went to eat at Ruths diner for moms birthday and went swimming at the Orem City pool and then we did photos at Fotoflyaway at Thanksgiving Point. Mom turned 26! and mom and dad celebrated their 4 year wedding anniversary.
We went to the Balloon Festival in Provo again this year. We also went to the farm at Thanksgiving point. We had a work party for Dads work up the canyon and at the end of the month Dad got a truck!
Grandma and Grandpa Lane came to visit. Ava got to meet cousin Asher for the first time! Ava moved into a twin size bed! She also moved forward facing in the car. Cousin Ellie was born on the 11th. We went boating for the first (and probably the last) time at Utah lake with some work friends.
Cousin Ellie and Aunt Kate came to visit! We took them to do lots of fun things while they were here! Ava tried 1 month of dance class before we decided to forgo dance till next year. Dad got laid off his job but found a new job all in the same week. So that was a big blessing. Dad turned 26 and mom and dad got to g on a fun date to celebrate 5 years since their first date.
Cousin William was born! Ava got 3 new cousins this year! Ava started Little Gym. We went to the pumpkin patch again this year and played in the corn. Grandma and Jill came for a surprise visit! That was super exciting! Mom and Ava went to see Brave together at the dollar theater and they went to the petting zoo at Gardeners Village. We went to grama and grampas ward party, carved pumpkins and trick or treated at Dads work. We also had family pictures done at fotofly.
We had our first big snow storm. Asher came back to visit for Thanksgiving. We celebrated thanksgiving at Grama and Grampas house. We bought a christmas tree with Grama and Aunt Caroline and then we also got a tree for our house! We went to see the Christmas lights in Salt Lake at Temple Square.
So far we spent most of this month sick. Ava's tubes have fallen out and she has her first ear infection since she got tubes a year and a half ago. She's still super happy however, not sure how she does it. We are staying here in Utah this Christmas and are looking forward to enjoying our first Christmas as our little family.
Things we are looking forward to in 2013... Buying/moving/renting a house!!! Whatever the case may be we are MOVING out of our condo (which we have outgrown a ton this year). We are also hoping to get a step closer to adding more babies to our family!! We have been trying unsuccessfully for 2 years now and we pray that 2013 is our year to have some success!
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