Tuesday, December 30, 2008
See You Soon, Arizona, I will miss you
Monday, December 29, 2008
Happy Half Birthday!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
6 Months of Marriage
- I have learned that I can be hard to live with
- I have earned straight A's in school
- I have learned that I prefer doing laundry but don't prefer putting it away and that Dan likes things cleaner than I do
- I have started going to church every Sunday
- I have learned that I can actually sleep without a TV or Movie on
- I have learned that I don't cook or clean nearly as much as I thought I would once I got married
- I have lost weight
- I have paid all our bills and keep us on budget (even if that budget is sometimes bigger than it should be!)
- I have been trying to keep an open mind about living in snow (its a battle)
- I have never been so happy or grateful to have someone to experience everything with!

Saturday, December 27, 2008
Valley Farms, Arizona
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas from the Lanes & Calkins
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
I just googled "Wooshing"
Not really but my doctor upset me a little bit yesterday. I won't get into great detail why but I don't think my age had anything to do with medical advice. And a doctors conversation shouldn't end like a fight, "You do whatever you want I guess." - My Doc
So anyway I just googled Wooshing. I have a wooshing noise in my ear and I know it has to do with my Pseudotumor. It happens to be one of the symptoms I don't remember having but am having now. My head does not hurt and my vision is good. It is my goal to be able to get off medication this year.
However I can't find anything other than the fact that wooshing noise in the ear is a symptom.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Finals are OVER!
I just walked out of my last final about 30 minutes ago! I was so relieved to be done, and a little irritated that I remembered a part to one of the questions a minute after I turned my test in. Oh well. My scantron score showed up on the TV screen downstairs and it was my best grade out of the 3 exams I had to take in that class, so I am hoping to hold onto my A- status in that class!
I was also pleased to see that one of teachers already posted grades! It happens to be the class that my group presented for yesterday (30 minute presentation on Asthma Incidences amongst Hispanics in Utah County). Its not one of the grades I have been watching out for but was very happy to see that I received an A- in that class. It was such a long semester of weekly presentations along with the 30 page final report and 30 minute presentation! I am eagerly awaiting to see what my grade are in my other courses! I am dying to know, well all of them, but especially Health and Aging, I never once saw a grade in that class the entire semester, not even on the exams... for all I know I could have an F and not know it!
HLTH 438 001 Social Marketing 3.00
HLTH 439 001 Program Planning & Evaluation 3.00 A-
HLTH 450 001 Women's Health Issues 3.00
HLTH 466 002 Hlth & Aging Proc 2.00
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Dear Santa
Thanks Santa, Love Brittany!
10) A Washer and Dryer! (requirement: they must be beautiful!)

We had a long talk about what the options were and Dan really wanted to do the off campus enterprise team with a company called Medicity. I was a little (or a lotta) nervous about it because it meant he would have to leave campus, meaning MORE driving in the snow that usual. I already have to talk myself off a ledge with him driving 30 miles just to school.
Anyway Dan thought that I said "no" to the Medicity team so he emailed them back and told them he couldn't do that team. Later that night according to him (I think it was the same time we were having the first conversation) I told him that I wanted him to do it because I know how much it means to him and that it will be a good opportunity. I had no idea that he had already emailed them in and said no to it. He quickly emailed them again and told them that he wanted that as his first choice. I found this out a few days later.
Today Dan called me to let me know that he did indeed get on the Medicity team! I will have to figure out how to deal with the snow issue but we will be okay! I love him and am so excited for him! We both will have fun adventures next semester, him at Medicity and me at the Health Department!
Plus I am excited that Dan will be working on this project for a medical company! So fun!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Neumont Ornament
U of A for herself, Kirk and Kate
ASU for Chris and Brett
BYU for me
But she is missing a Neumont Ornament for her FAVORITE son-in-law, Dan. For those who don't know, Neumont has maybe a max of 500 students. They only have 2 t-shirts on their online bookstore let alone a Neumont Christmas Ornament.
We thought of all of these different ways that we could fashion a Neumont ornament. I figured we would just make a sticker and stick it on an ornament... Dan dreamed of designing one that wrapped around and having someone make it for us...
We came up with a simple compromise! We googled it and found this website called Speedy Signs, I am not even sure how we found this particular ornament because its not even on their ornament page. So we created a little logo using Neumonts Logo and made the following:

I love him!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Daniel's Amazing!
It was also so wonderful that Dan's Dad was able to do his ordination today. I am really happy that Dan's parents were able to be there and be a part of it because I know this is something they waited a long time for. I know they really wanted Dan to serve a mission but it is wonderful to know they support us in everything we do. It was also neat to talk to Dan's Dad afterwards and find out more about who gave him the priesthood. Dan received it through his Dad, who received it from a Stake Patriarch (I need to find out his name), who received it from President Joseph Fielding Smith, who received it from Brigham Young, who received it from Joseph Smith!
Anyway to say the least I am proud of Dan. I am excited to go to the temple and receive our endowments and look forward to being able to go back as often as we can and I cannot wait for the day (in June hopefully) that we are sealed as a family for time and all eternity! We have both made our own mistakes but doing this together and getting sealed is one thing I can say is a huge blessing to us. It has taken us a little longer than others to get where we need to be but we are happy none the less.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I'm so busy!
I had a final on Tuesday that is OVER! 1 down 3 to go! Today I will have ALL of my work turned in for 2 of my classes and will only have the finals left. The last class (shiver) has this huge group paper and presentation that my group and I are going to work on this weekend! My sweet friend Alicia gave me a completed copy of our study guide for one class! I didn't even ask and she totally didn't have to but it took her 6 hours to complete it and its 26 pages and she just gave it to me to help me study! SO SWEET!
Yesterday I had a fun time at the doctor's office. I had a cyst removed from my upper leg and a mole removed from my arm. I had NO idea how they were planning on removing the cyst but lets just say they went a whole lot deeper into my leg than I anticipated.... I have a bunch of stitches on the inside and outside that I have to go back in to get the stitches taken out on the 23rd, the day before we go to Arizona!
I got my hair cut short yesterday!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Finals are going to be the end of me
I should be happy with my 11 credit hour schedule plus 25 hour work week this semester... Because next semester... I get to live this fun little schedule!
I cannot wait for the day I GRADUATE! I walk April 23rd however will still need to complete my Gerontology internship in spring... so I will OFFICIALLY be done with BYU the end of June!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Emotionally Drained
The following is something Susan's father shared with her and her family.
"… the tests of life are tailored for our own best interests, and all will face the burdens best suited to their own mortal experience. In the end we will realize that God is merciful as well as just and that all the rules are fair. We can be reassured that our challenges will be the ones we needed, and conquering them will bring blessings we could have received in no other way.
If we constantly focus only on the stones in our mortal path, we will almost surely miss the beautiful flower or cool stream provided by the loving Father who outlined our journey. Each day can bring more joy than sorrow when our mortal and spiritual eyes are open to God's goodness. Joy in the gospel is not something that begins only in the next life. It is our privilege now, this very day. We must never allow our burdens to obscure our blessings. There will always be more blessings than burdens—even if some days it doesn't seem so. Jesus said, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." Enjoy those blessings right now. They are yours and always will be."
As of yesterday, I realized there are some decisions I need to make. I have had lots of things happen to me while in college and right now I feel like I need to make my health, happiness, and sanity a priority in my life. I never anticipated having to make these decisions about my job and school, but now I am faced with deciding how I want to spend the next 6 months of my life.
I hate to let people down, but for some reason I never mind letting myself down. Hmm...
Dan is taking me out tonight to get my mind off things. We are going up to Salt Lake to see the Temple Lights and go to Cafe Rio. I love my sweet husband. Whenever I start to get anxious and stressed about life, he brings me back to reality. He reminds me that no matter what choice I make we will be just fine. I love him.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Live and Learn
We have been preparing to go to the temple since February and it will have been almost a year and a half since we decided to go when we get to go!
We have been taking a Temple Preparation course from a fantastic couple in our ward and really enjoy meeting with them.

Anyway I am so proud of my sweet husband for the steps he has made!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
May We So live
Today I attempted to muster through it. My heart was full of emotions on this topic.
I read today President Monson's Ensign article entitled May We So Live. It helped me have a greater peace with the subject and reflect on what death means to me.