Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Update on us

I was reading an old roommates blog today and she was saying how their blog has turned into being about their daughter about 90% of the time. This is very true for us as well. I'm terrible at journaling so my blog is a nice way for me to be able to go back and see what Ava was doing when. Probably not the most fun for everyone else, but oh well. I like reading other people's blogs like that too so I don't have a problem with it.

Anyway I will update on what all of us are doing :)


Dan's been at his job for 6 1/2 months now! I'm so proud of him and all the hard work he does. He really likes his job. His job seems to change often but I guess it keeps him on his toes :)

Dan loves to play with Ava and is an amazing father. He gets down on the ground with her and just has a blast with her. She loves him so much as well. She gets so excited when he comes home from work!

Dan also keeps busy with his Xbox. I thought the xbox was gone out of our lives for awhile there but when I got really busy with working, he got busy with playing. Oh well we each have our own hobbies.


I love being a stay at home mom. I really can't imagine doing anything else. I am really really thankful that I'm able to stay at home with Ava. We may not have the biggest house or the newest and greatest things, but I love taking care of Ava day in and day out.

I also really enjoy my little at home business. Its really taken of the last couple of months and I work 7 days a week CRAFTING! How fun is that? I only work while Ava is asleep so I'm really lucky Ava sleeps really well (and a lot). I don't get much sleep myself but I have a passion for crafting and won't do it while Ava's awake.

I keep seeing my etsy stats on my sales page and wondering where on earth the money I'm making is going, but I put everything I make back into my business to buy more and more supplies to make more and more new fun items. I do every so often use it to splurge on something. I was proud when I saved enough money to buy myself a nice diaper bag :) hahaha I felt like a kid that had been saving their allowance :)

When I'm not playing with Ava or crafting, I'm playing with my camera and trying to figure the whole thing out. I love pictures but could never be a photographer. Its too hard to try and get kids too look at the camera!

We are dreaming of buying a home here in the close future. The idea of being homeowners is kinda scary but exciting. We really need to start working towards that goal so we can make it happen sooner than later! I keep imaging having a 2nd baby in this condo and that just won't work and since I'd love a 2nd baby sooner than later as well, we better get saving for a house!

BUT (big but) in order to make the 2nd baby happen sooner than later I have to lose weight, which is incredibly hard right now. I just need to do it! But its so much easier said than done. I need to take a little more time out of my day for myself and focusing on ME getting healthy and maybe slow down a bit on everything else getting done. Once I get healthier, I know everything else will be that much easier.


She's a fun little girl! She's so curious and interested in everything she see's. She has a talent for pushing very small buttons. I never thought of this as a talent till Ava came along, but she does push the littlest buttons and will do it over and over and over again! lol

We take her to the doctor tomorrow to talk about putting tubes in her ears. I wonder if her ear infection has even gone away this time. We've forgotten to give her her antibiotic day 9 and 10 :( I feel bad because I know the importance of finishing entire rounds of antibiotics. The doctor just put her on a really difficult one that she really doesn't like to take. Blah. Hopefully we get some good news tomorrow.

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