Monday, February 7, 2011

Tubes in Ava's Ears

I took Ava to the doctor this morning because she has a goopy eye and I figured she needed eye drops... turns out she has her 5th ear infection since October.

The doctor talked to us about getting tubes put in Ava's ears. I am sick over the idea of having Ava put under for this procedure. I called Dan after crying my eyes out. Here's my little girl happy as can be and not even upset with a 5th ear infection in 5 months and they want to put her under for tubes. BLAH.

We have a decision to make and I know I want her to be happy AND healthy. Not just happy. I called my mother in law to tell her and she even said, "you would never know Ava is sick" and you wouldn't! She is the happiest baby and still sleeps 12+ hours with an ear infection. Mother in law says Ava must have a high pain tolerance and will be good at giving birth hahaha. She's right though. Ava can fall and hit her head, or bump her arm or trip on her own feet and she never gets upset, even when I think she should.

I'm lucky to have such a happy baby, but not so happy about the ear infections. I love my little Ava.


Cat and Blake Potter said...

aww im sorry. my little girl just had her second, and she is miserable, so wow you are lucky that Ava is so happy still. Maybe it would be worthwhile to have her checked by another doctor?

Ashley said...

Do the tubes Brittany:) It really is a very common and easy procedure. Some kids are more prone to ear infections, and tubes help out. A few of my siblings have gotten them. A friend of mine at work was worried about it for her son, and I told her not to worry and to do it. She said she is so happy she did, he now doesn't have a problem with his ears, and he can hear a lot better now. She said he was up and running around when he got home.

Brittany Calkins said...

Thanks ladies. We have decided to do tubes, our big debate is when...

Steve + Brindy Arnett said...

i'm so sorry britt. that stinks! my nephew got the tubes and they really helped his infections and didn't have any problems from them or anything. hope everything works out! i think it's natural you're worried about her. and it just shows what a great loving mom you are!

btw thanks for your last comment! [loving yourself like ava does] so sweet and a good suggestion since jude doesn't know i'm a dork. he even likes my dancing! haha ;)

Clarissa B. said...

aww poor ava!!