Thursday, February 17, 2011

11 Months old!

I can't believe my Ava is 11 months old now! Less than 1 month till her BIRTHDAY! WOW!

She's 24 lbs 6 oz, 31.5 inches tall wearing 18 and 24 month clothes and still in size 4 diapers (and hopefully is for a long time since we have soooo many).

This little girl is cruising around everywhere and everything. She has only stood on her own in the middle of the floor 1x for maybe a few seconds. She's not ready yet, but thats okay :)

She's just started waving. I think I'll count today as her first wave because I waved at her and she did it back, the same number of little waves as well :) It was very cute! She's still trying to figure out how to clap, it usually turns into lots of arm waving.

She has 3 words now, Mama, Dada and Baba. She is a doll and we adore her. I still just can't believe she'll be 1 next month!

1 comment:

Steve + Brindy Arnett said...

wow i can't believe she is 11 months either! isn't it crazy how fast it goes?! it makes me sad, but its also so excited to see them change so much and all their new developments! it seemed like jude changed soo much from 11 months till now [16]. and it seemed like it just happened overnight!