Monday, December 6, 2010

Sleep Lady

I'm in love with the Sleep Lady :) I'm completely converted to her sleep system and will do this with our future children to get them to learn how to sleep!!

I've said it before, Ava was the worlds worst sleeper (well in my world). She would maybe nap 30-45 minutes a day and not at one time. She was going to bed at 10pm, getting up at 6am and waking up a ton at night to eat, fuss, scream, have her binky put back in, etc. If she had slept more than 5 or 6 hours straight it was just an accident and 95% of our nights were constant runs to Ava's room and back.

I told our Ped about this at Ava's 6 month check up and she gave us an article which introduced us to the Sleep Lady's system. I was weary to try it because nothing had seemed to work. We finally tried it a month later when I was at my breaking point and I am so glad we did.

Now she takes a 1 1/2 hour nap in the morning, a 2 hour nap in the afternoon and sleeps 12 hours at night, no crying at all. I still can hardly believe it. I don't like to talk about how she sleeps well now because I hated when people talked about their kids sleeping well. They would always say how lucky they were but no one seemed to have good advice (other than to suck it up) for a mom of a baby who wouldn't sleep. Anyway so thats my 2 cents.

I am always afraid to give advice or put this stuff out there. I know not everything works for every child. I finally told a good friend about this book and she tried it and now her baby (he was born the same day as Ava) is sleeping through the night and not nursing all night long!

And the book is really cheap used online on amazon

LOL I just read my last post about "sleep" on my blog from October 12th... That was about a week before we started this.

"I think I need to get rid of my facebook account, stop talking to other people and stay home... maybe then I won't have to hear about other people's babies that sleep like perfect angels.

Seriously? I am starting to think its a conspiracy, that no one's babies really sleep 10-12 hours a night let alone more than 4 hours in a row?! So if you say your baby does.... I don't believe you :)

Sorry to complain."

1 comment:

The Halladays said...

I'm so glad you have a good sleeper now :) I'm excited to see what the Sleep Lady has to say. See you soon...I hope