Friday, December 3, 2010

Pacifier Weaning

Ava has pretty much had a pacifier clipped to her everyday of her life up until about a week and a half ago. We decided she was done with the pacifier because she kept treating it like a toy 90% of the time. I've never been too fond of her using a pacifier, especially at the amount she has used it.

We restricted the pacifier just to in crib use for the last week and a half and that went REALLY well. I didn't think it would be so easy but it was, so she for sure does not need her pacifier while she is awake or in the car!

Tonight was the first night of not giving her a pacifier in her crib. I would really love to be completely done with pacifiers. Tonight it took about an hour longer to do bedtime than usual but she finally by some miracle fell asleep without the pacifier!!

If it doesn't work I'll gladly go back to pacifiers in the crib only but I hope by some chance this is the end of our pacifier use.

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