Monday, December 13, 2010

9 Months

Its amazing how LONG 9 months feels when you are pregnant and how short it feels when you have a 9 month old!

On Wednesday Ava will be 9 months old and that will also be the same day that I will have officially had Ava out of my body longer than in it. She was born 39 weeks and 1 day and Wednesday she will be 39 weeks and 2 days old :)

I always wonder if a 2nd pregnancy goes by faster than the first because waiting for the first was the longest 9 months of my life!

OH and today is my wonderful Mother's birthday!!! AND one year ago today was also the very first time Dan felt Ava kick. Yes I was almost to my 3rd trimester but he was never patient enough to feel her move till then or he wasn't awake for it. She was most active in the middle of the night. Funny thing (or not) she still is. That girl kicks and wiggles and moves more in her sleep than any other person I've ever met. You cannot cuddle with her while she is sleeping or she will hurt you!

1 comment:

The Halladays said...

I think that is just about the CUTEST picture ever! Good job :)