Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Losing the baby weight

and all that other weight I had before I had a baby haha

Isn't funny that the only time in my life that it was 'hard' to gain weight was when I was pregnant!? I guess throwing up for 9 months straight does that to a person. Now that I am not pregnant and have stopped pumping I am gaining weight like its no one's business! It's so irritating. I was 5 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight the day I stopped pumping, but its been all uphill from there. So now Ava is 9 1/2 weeks old (its been 9 1/2 weeks since I last threw up) and I stopped pumping 6 weeks ago. I have no more excuses, I am fully recovered from my c-section, Ava is sleeping better, we have a better routine down, I really can eat better and work out more.

I have 'started' weight watchers about 15 times in the last month haha I would start in the morning and by the evening I had sabotaged myself. I don't want to pay to go to meetings right now so I am going to try and give this a go on my own first. Today was my first successful day. I also have a horrible headache though and really want chocolate. Thankfully Chocolate Fiber One bars are taking the edge off along with Diet Cherry Pepsi.

Anyway, I want to get healthier for myself and for Ava. I want her to be a confident healthy young woman. One of my biggest fears when I found out I was having a girl was that she would have to go through some of the same battles I have. It was never easy being the chubby girl in school and particularly depressing while in college. Losing a lot of weight in college set me on a really crummy path that was pretty self destructive.

I was doing really well at losing weight the right way before I got pregnant with Ava so I guess I need to pick up where I left off :) Anyway I may rant on here more often about trying to lose weight :) hope no one minds too much


Austin and Whitney Cooley said...

Hey, it's not like we live far from eachother... we can be walking buddies! I wanna get out and start walking after I have the baby. We'll get our strollers and be those moms you see out walking with their babies... OMG, We're moms!!

Charlie and Christina said...

I want to be part of the walking group too! I have no excuses anymore either!

yourstrulydear said...

best of luck my dear. you can do it!!