Saturday, May 15, 2010

2 months old!

I am keeping track of Ava's growth every month on my blog, its easiest for me to write it here since I lose everything else :) so skip this if you don't want to be bored!

At 2 month's Ava is now 13 pounds 6 ounces (which puts her in the 95th percentile)! She has gained nearly 3 pounds since 1 month and nearly 6 pounds since birth! She is just starting to wear 3-6 month clothes even though some of her 0-3 still fit. She has been wearing 3-6 month PJ's for a few weeks now because of the length! She is not short, but I won't know how long she is till her appointment on Monday.

She is right in between size 1 and 2 diapers. I am debating if I want to go get one more pack of size 1 diapers today or just to move her up into the 2's. We only have 1 size 1 left, but it seems like Huggies size 1's could fit her for another couple of weeks but the Luvs size 2's we have aren't as stretchy so they don't even fit as nice as the Huggies.

She "talks" all the time now. I was never sure if she would make cuter noises then her low grunts she made for the first month. Now its constant adorable babble and high pitch noises! She smiles so much now! Her first smile was 3 weeks ago but now we can make her smile so easily. She has the biggest eyes and I think she looks just like Dan.

She slept 6 1/2 hours on Thursday night this week! Made my day, that's the longest she has ever slept straight. She normally only sleeps 3-4 hours at a time. She is a bit addicted to her pacifier, thankfully she doesn't always get upset when it falls out but most of the time she does. Not sure if the pacifier is something she will grow out of or not. She won't suck her thumb though.

Anyway we love our little Ava more than anything, I can't believe how big she is getting!

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