Monday, June 8, 2009

Moving Update

I am so tired. Packing and cleaning is taking so much out of me. We are almost done (I think). We have moved a ton of small boxes and things to Dan's parents so they aren't in the way when we are moving our furniture out on Thursday, but I really wish we didn't live on the 3rd floor right about now. I wish it was all magically done.

Today Dan and I went to the UAC for a little going away lunch. It still doesn't feel like we are actually going anywhere. It may take a few weeks for this to set in. It was good to see everyone and say goodbye, but I try to avoid saying goodbye to people, I just don't like to. I will miss everyone at work and I will (eventually) miss not having a place to go to work everyday. Hopefully I will find a job sometime this summer.

On a happy note, tomorrow is the last day of class for Dan's undergraduate career!!! Go Dan! I am so proud of him!

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