Dan turned in his final on Tuesday right after his last class! We were not expecting this so we were not planning on leaving until Friday! Wednesday came and we had nothing to do, so we went and picked up the Penske at 11:30 and brought it home. That was pretty eventful. We had PLANNED on towing the Honda behind the Penske, but that was vetoed pretty quick!
I drove the truck home with the full size dolly behind it (all four wheels would be off the road, instead of just 2 like we had ordered but they gave away)... I hit a curb on the way home and manuvering a 16 foot truck with a 12 foot (?) tow behind it was hard, I couldn't imagine it with a car on it!
We had some issues with the tow and as soon as we had it in our parking lot we just about destroyed it and immedately took it back! So now we get to drive 2 cars back from our sealing in 2 weeks :( not to mention its our anniversary and we will be spending 12 hours in seperate cars.... oh well, at least the day before we will have had a wonderful day! After that we had a few problems getting the ramp out of the truck because it was stuck... so the Penske guys had to come hammer it out of its wedged position... no fun.
Dan's friend Adam came and helped us pack the truck... he is amazing! He was like our go to guy when we needed anything done! He crawled over a ton of stuff and man we couldn't have done it without him! Mark and Kathy came over as well to help us pack the truck and to clean the apartment! It was so nice because it only took a little over an hour for us to clean the apartment!
We loved our first apartment because it was the first place we shared together, it was ours! We had some great memories there, but to say the least we are excited to move on and find another (bigger) place! This apartment will always be our first home and it still feels so weird that we aren't going back.
We hit the road on Thursday at 7:15. Our plan was to go through Saint George and Vegas and hopefully get to Tempe 12 hours later! I was pretty nervous about driving the big truck but I took the first leg because I knew I had to get used to it. We didn't realize how small the front seat was until Dan got in... His knees were up against the dash no matter what he did. I felt bad for him. He drove most of the way because it was more comfortable.
I was suprised that we ended up getting pretty good gas mileage. We were able to go the speed limit (I was nervous, poor Dan). We did have to make a detour through Laughlin Nevada/Bullhead City Arizona because we couldn't go over the dam in the truck. Thankfully we pulled into Tempe at 7:30 AZ time, so it wrapped up a 13 hour drive!
I was suprised but as soon as we got in, Dan wanted to start unloading the truck. My mom, Dan and I unloaded all of our boxes that were in the back part of the truck and left the furniture on. This morning we got up around 8:30 and the 3 of us pulled off the furniture! I couldn't believe we did it with just 1 guy! Dan's amazing!
Exactly 48 hours after we picked up the Truck, we returned her safe and sound to her new home in Tempe. We were glad to give her back, because we hated driving her! haha.
Today we spent most of the day unpacking (and sadly have made 2 trips to in n out burger).... I was able to hang out with Kate and then we went to dinner with Kirk, Kate, Marilyn and my Dad. It was a nice day, but I am tired!
Tomorrow I am helping Kate shoot a wedding for my friends Bryn and Jason! I am so excited!!!
Adam, our amazing moving buddy! He helped us move into apartment in July and was still willing to help us move out!

This is Penny the Penske with all of our furniture in. It doesn't look like much but it was hard to move and pack it.

Here is Dan saying goodbye to Lilac #65!

After we had stuffed all of our boxes in... oh man were we exhausted! I was happy that the truck wasn't too full though. We ended up adding a bunch more bags in after this however.

This was the truck that got us from Utah to Nevada to Arizona in less than 48 hours from start to finish! Go Penny the Penske!

This is what I spent the most time working on today.... setting up our bedroom.

This is what Dan spent most of his time working on today....... setting up his media room! No fair!