Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Not Sleeping

There are only a few things in this world that bug me as much as (or more than) not being able to sleep at night. This has been something I have struggled with most of my adult life.

I am exhausted as ever but as soon as I lay down in bed all I can think about is the endless list of things I need to do/haven't done/should do the next day. Falling asleep is usually the hardest part, but staying asleep is also pretty hard, especially now.

I have been having crazy dreams/nightmares that wake me up and bother me. Can't really shake some of them the next day. I usually have strange dreams, but pregnancy has shifted my wacko brain into a whole new realm of weird!

On a more positive note. I am so thrilled it is almost October. I am looking forward to the weather changing a bit, making Tiny a Halloween costume and finding out if this baby is a girl or a boy!


Jeanine said...

When's your appointment to find out the gender? I bet you are so excited to find out. What do you think it is?

Brittany Calkins said...

I was supposed to be able to schedule my Ultrasound today, but there system was down when I went in for my regular appointment... now I am waiting to call. Looks like it will be 3-4 weeks from now... I'll be pushing for 3. I thought it was a boy but now I just admit that I have no idea (I still only really look at boy things at the stores thou). I had a dream it was a girl last night, but I have had dreams that it was a boy before!

Kara Lyn said...

I had no idea that you are pregnant. That is so exciting!!! You are looking pretty tan in your pictures. Good luck with everything and enjoy. I think your dog is cute too.