Monday, September 21, 2009

My ever changing belly....

I may regret posting these pictures... but I can no longer deny that my stomach is getting bigger. These pictures are not the most attractive of me, it would help if I put make up on and did my hair but can't ask too much of me right now. I just found this picture in the blue sweater today and was shocked at how much my stomach has changed since May! Oh boy...

I am starting to feel a bit better, although I still feel sick most of the time. I had it set in my mind that I would be feeling all better by Dan's birthday on Friday because that was my 14 (or 15 week mark depending on which due date you go by)... but I was so wrong, Dan's birthday was one of my worst days so far, but I am hoping I keep improving from here on out!


Ashley said...

Yay for Babies! Pretty soon you'll have two! (If you count your puppy)

Renae said...

Yah for a baby bump! So cute! I'm so excited for you!

Charlie and Christina said...

I have notived changes in my stomach too! Cute pictures!

yourstrulydear said...

yayy!! hope you are feeling better soon. :]

La Esposa said...

SO PRECIOUS!. Can't wait for more pictures!! =) You look just perfect by the way!

the ridgeways said...

awwwwwwwwww what a cute baby bump!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm SO SO SO excited brittany!!!!!!

Alyssa said...

I love the little baby bump!! You look great!

(Also, my e-mail address changed. Can you add my new one to your blog list and delete the old one? The new one is Thanks!)

The Halladays said...

That is so exciting! You are looking great.

How are you able to post 2 pictures next to one another?

Brittany Calkins said...

Thanks everyone for the sweet comments!

Stacy- It took me some looking around to figure out how to do that! but when you go to upload a photo, the little window pops up and it ask like what size and position you want it in, mine is always set on centered and large... the one of the far left is like "no format" and then I can move the pictures around how I please!

mairzy said...

Ah Britt you're beautiful! I can see the glow in the second picture - you can tell more than belly-size has changed ;-)