Sunday, July 12, 2009

Crazy Nightmare

I am really irked by a nightmare that woke me up this morning. I couldn't go back to sleep. I was dreaming that I was sitting in my mom's house in her computer room and for those of you that don't know, the computer room is just a nook behind the kitchen, just kinda an open space more than a room.

Anyway, in the nightmare it was pitch black and I was sitting in the computer chair. All of the sudden someone runs from the kitchen through the living room and I just get a glimpse as they run past. They were rather small and short... I then saw them try and reach for some pictures on the wall and I started trying to say "Hola" (no clue why) and ask "Who are you?" as well as panicking! The words were not coming out of my mouth. I finally was able to say something and as soon as I did they ran straight towards me and grabbed me and pulled me back in the chair.

This is when Dan grabs me and wakes me up because I am screaming "Who are you?" with raced breathing, I was so upset I had no idea what was going on. I am so glad Dan was there for me. No more nightmares please... I have never screamed in my sleep, this was a first! :(

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