Sunday, March 1, 2009

March :)

On Saturday I was going to take an exam, but I took it on Friday (did rather horribly) and did not even care. I wanted Saturday to hang out with Dan. We went to lunch together and then we drove up to Sundance. I didn't bring my camera but this picture shows how stinking beautiful it is up there. We walked around for a bit; bought suckers and sodas and watched the skiers.
Later we went and saw Slumdog Millionaire. Dan has been impersonating the TV show host from the movie all day today. I had not heard of it before, but when Dan said that the Director, Danny Boyle, also did Sunshine and 28 Days Later, I knew I had to see it because those are two of my all time favorite movies.
Anyway it was a really good movie. Intense at times but I really liked it. I especially loved the last scene during the credits. All of a sudden there was this huge Indian dance crew going on in this train station. It was hilariously awesome.
Now its March and I am smiling because Winter is pretty much over!!!

1 comment:

Jason and Ronda said...

Hey Brittney! I tagged you! So check out my blog! Enjoy!