Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Engagement Anniversary... or Halloween

One year ago Dan tricked me into thinking he was staying at school all evening and I was so sad. I drove around after work with nothing to do and nowhere to go. I finally went back to my house and found my Daniel there with a dozen roses! He took me to Rock Canyon park and proposed along the path! I nervously laughed and of course as you all know said yes! It was so perfect, he was so sweet, he got down on one knee and he had the most beautiful ring in a beautiful box.

We have been married 4 months now and I am so blessed to have him in my life. We are still learning new things everyday and adjusting to all the new things that life throws at you when you are married. I am still trying to learn how to be a better wife and I know that will be a life long journey. I love my sweetheart and since we both aren't big on Halloween I am excited to celebrate our 1 year mark since our engagement by going to the movies tonight and having a nice night to ourselves!!

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