Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Engagement Anniversary... or Halloween
We have been married 4 months now and I am so blessed to have him in my life. We are still learning new things everyday and adjusting to all the new things that life throws at you when you are married. I am still trying to learn how to be a better wife and I know that will be a life long journey. I love my sweetheart and since we both aren't big on Halloween I am excited to celebrate our 1 year mark since our engagement by going to the movies tonight and having a nice night to ourselves!!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sweeney Todd

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Green Fingers
Today I bought the wrong colors of green at the store... the ones I bought were bright and light but I mixed the greens with white, yellow, and black and came up with colors that matched our bathroom!

101 things!
I have seen this on a few blogs and decided to do it for Dan and I. We also started it from our wedding day because we have had a list of things we have wanted to do once we were married since about a month before our wedding!
Start Date: Saturday June 28th, 2008
End Date: Saturday March 26th, 2011
Brittany and Dan = 1-39
Brittany = 40-89
Dan = 90-101
- Get Married - Completed Saturday June 28th, 2008
- Get Sealed in the temple - Completed Saturday June 27th, 2009
- Stick to Weight Watchers for 1 year - Postponed till after Baby
- Tube down Provo River - Completed Saturday August 9th, 2008
- Have a baby!!! - March 2010
- Take a vacation to the beach
- Visit each of Dan's Siblings (Idaho - Done May 1-3rd 2009, Texas and Washington)
- Watch all four sessions of conference!
- Graduate from BYU and Neumont - Neumont June 2009, Britt postponed Dec 2009
- Go Camping
- Buy a House
- Put money from each pay check into our savings account for 6 months without taking any money out
- Have couples prayer and scripture study daily for 3 months
- Take Temple Prep Class - Completed January 2009
- Get our Endowments Out - Completed Saturday April 25th, 2009 Draper Utah
- Send out Family Christmas Cards
- Visit 5 temples (Draper, Provo, Rexburg, Timp & Salt Lake) Complete May 2009
- Go to a concert
- Don't eat out for 1 month/Make dinner at home for 1 month!
- Recycle our aluminum cans for 2 months - Completed Wednesday December 24th, 2008
- Go hit a bucket of balls at a driving range - Completed Friday October 24th, 2008
- Hang out with 5 different Couples - Complete (Hubners, Cranes, Fillmores, Deshazers, Hunsakers, Jones)
- Get all of our tax information together from all jobs in 2008 (Acumen, BYU, Smokehouse, Acentra, Manpower and Vision Security) and file taxes for 2008 - Completed February 15th, 2009
- Get a puppy - Complete June 20, 2009
- Play Tennis together
- Play Basket Ball together
- Visit Grandpa Rex's grave at the Salt Lake Cemetery in Utah
- Visit my sister Allison's grave at the Green Acres Cemetery in Scottsdale, Arizona
- Make Sunday dinner for Dan's Parents - Completed 1st Sunday June 2009
- Take a road trip to Las Vegas – Planned for Thanksgiving 2009
- Take Carley and Chainey out for a fun day trip - Completed Saturday December 27th, 2008 (plan another one!)
- Go to a Kempton Family Party
- Speak in Sacrament Meeting
- Buy nicer couches for the living room
- Make copies of each of our Patriarchal blessings for each of our scriptures (get new scriptures!)
- Have family pictures taken
- Drive the Alpine Loop
- Get our wedding rings engraved
- Hike the Y - Completed Saturday October 25th, 2008
- Be healthy enough to stop taking Pseudotumor Medicine (down to 250mg as of May 2009!!)
- No longer test positive for insulin resistance (Insulin resistance went down to Moderate Nov 19th, 2008!)
- Write a wedding diary - Completed Monday August 4th, 2008
- Don't use my credit card for 1 month - Completed Friday December 4th, 2008
- Run a 5k Again
- Run a half marathon
- Get an internship and finish all paperwork before I start it - Completed Thursday December 18th, 2008
- Finish internship - Completed April 14th, 2009
- Finish all of my online classes - just need to finish Physical Science by Dec 2009
- Finish a quilt - Completed 2 baby quilts Saturday November 29th, 2008
- Take a Joann's Sewing Class - Completed July 2009
- Use my new sewing machine to make something for my Mom
- Register for Graduation - Completed Wednesday January 7th, 2009
- Go to the dentist to get my back molar fixed as well as make a plan for what to do about 2 missing teeth - Completed March 2009 (still need crown)
- Renew my CPR and First Aid Certification
Take the Ches Exam- Become a CNA
- Go to Nursing School
- Finish reading the Book of Mormon
- Compile College journal entries (including blog posts)
- Give testimony in church
- Read 5 novels that have nothing to do with school
- Create a new set of paintings for our bedroom or bathroom (like the ones in the kitchen) - Completed Tuesday October 28th, 2008
- Go to a play - Completed Thursday October 30th, 2008
- Vote in the presidential elections - Completed Sunday October 12th, 2008
- Get A's in most of my classes for Fall 2008 - Completed Tuesday December 30th, 2008 (Only 1 B+)
- Write at least one Public Health related blog entry each month for a year
- Do the dishes for 1 month straight (poor Dan always does them)
- Go to a relief society activity - Completed Wednesday October 29th, 2008
Submit a letter to the editor (Daily Universe)- Perfect 5 hymns on my violin (learn because I have been given much)
- Learn how to sing and play the guitar at the same time
- Write down life stories and lessons learned
- Make a skirt with a cute peek-a-boo underskirt
- Hang up all the pictures in our apartment to complete our home - Completed Saturday October 18th, 2008
- Finish my engagement photo/wedding guest book/wedding photo scrapbook - Finished Friday October 31st, 2008 (just need to print out wedding diary to put in the back of the scrapbook!)
Get handbooks and things ready for the Volunteer Coordinating and Accessible Book Creation programs at the University Accessibility Center before I leave- Try 10 new recipes out of our healthy cookbooks in just 1 month
- Sign up for the Gerontology Minor - Completed Monday September 15th, 2008
- Send a secret into Post Secret
- Get a rear tires and find out what is wrong with alignment - Finished Friday January 30th, 2009 (Keep getting them rotated at Big O every 3000!)
- Make a binder for appliance manuals, receipts and important documents – Completed Document File Box made in October 2009
- Make treats for the neighbors using my Kitchenaid Mixer
- Organize the files on all of our computers and put them on an external hard drive
- Volunteer somewhere new
- Buy a Bob Boyd photograph of the temple we get sealed in
- Take a photography and an art class somewhere
- Buy a plant and keep it alive
- Work in a hospital
- Get a professional massage
- Develop a Dan Website - Started November 2008
- Make a video game for Xbox 360
- Write an application for android (Google G1 phone) - Started October 2008
- Receive the Melkezidek Priesthood - Completed Sunday December 14th, 2008
- Invest some money - Completed March 11th 2009
- Get a full time job after graduation - Completed April 10th 2009 (accepted SpectraSoft offer)
- Get good grade car insurance - Completed Saturday October 18th, 2008
- Suprise Brittany with Flowers - Completed Tuesday October 7th, 2008
- Take a motorcycle class and get motorcycle license
- Buy a new car
- Get Lasik-eye Surgery
- Start paying back student loans – Started paying back in July 2009
Turn Cans into Keys

Monday, October 27, 2008
Protecting Marriage?
Marriage in the United States has become so sad in and of itself. The statistics show that more and more people are getting divorced and of those who are still married, many are unhappy in their marriages. I have seen people here at BYU marry people they don't love, knowingly marry untrustworthy and dishonest partners, as well as marry simply because they want to fulfill their animalistic need for sexual intimacy. I won't even go into how I feel about the youth of the church haphazardly entering into sacred temple marriages, because honestly thats a whole nother volume in my encyclopedia of thoughts.
At church on Sunday the Neiswenders in our ward (who are also our neighbors) gave very good talks about friendship and fellowshipping. I really enjoyed hearing Haley reiterating what Bruce C. Hafen of the seventy said in 2002 in his talk entitled The Gospel and Romantic Love when he said that we should "be friends first and sweethearts second. University professor Lowell Bennion once said that relationships between young men and young women should be built like a pyramid. The base of the pyramid is friendship. And the ascending layers are built of things like time, understanding, respect, and restraint. Right at the top of the pyramid is a glittering little mystery called romance. Now, you don’t have to be very smart to know that a pyramid won’t stand up very long if you stand it on its point instead of its base. In other words, be friends first and sweethearts later, not the other way around. Otherwise, people who think they are sweethearts may discover they can’t be very good friends, and by then it may be too late."
If we want to protect marriage we need to start in our own homes looking inwardly rather than outwardly. I feel that more people would live more fulfilling and happy lives if we spent more time evaluating how we are doing in our lives, how we are treating our partner and how our marriages are doing as a whole. Thats how I want to protect my marriage, by staying best friends with my husband and not letting the world defile our love and devotion to each other. Does anyone need to vote on that? No.
Right now a hot topic in regards to marriage is California's Proposition 8. I am not one to get into great debates with people. I don't voice my political opinions much. This being said I have been very saddened by the recent publicity amongst the youth at BYU and in the church over Proposition 8. It saddens me to see families put at arms because certain members support Proposition 8 and others do not. I believe we all have a choice in this battle. I feel that those of us who do not live or vote in California have even less of a say on what is happening with Proposition 8.
I have felt somewhat awkward since hearing the churches stance on Proposition 8, I simply believed that they would not make a political stance on this issue. I understand the churches stance and I feel for the issue both ways, although I feel that we should not sit on the fence because its easy. I have heard a lot of things that seem less than true about why the church supports Proposition 8 so I did some research and now feel more confident in understanding why the Church supports it and knowing that some of the rumors I had heard were wrong. As citizens we have every right to make ourselves as knowledgeable about the issues as possible.
The church made its stance at the end of June. "The Church’s teachings and position on this moral issue are unequivocal. Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God, and the formation of families is central to the Creator’s plan for His children. Children are entitled to be born within this bond of marriage."
However it was nice to read that "Latter-day Saints are free to disagree with their church on the issue (Prop 8) without facing any sanction", said L. Whitney Clayton of the LDS Quorum of the Seventy. "We love them and bear them no ill will."
Literature written by Proposition 8 proponents are freely distributed in Mormon wards, giving the impression the church approves of these pamplets, but much of it is "misinformation," said Morris Thurston, an LDS attorney in Orange County. Thurston has circulated a point-by-point response to an anonymously authored document that has been widely disseminated by Mormons, "Six Consequences . . . If Proposition 8 Fails." Thurston argues that most of its arguments are either untrue or misleading. "The general church authorities I have spoken to have been understanding and compassionate," he said. "They counsel respect, civility and open mindedness toward those who disagree with the church's position."
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Hiking the Y

Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I need a Break before I Break
When all the little things in life seem to go wrong... what are we to do? I feel like throwing big massive angry fits of rage instead of dealing with them like an adult this week.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Neumont University
Dan sent me this link to his University Forum and showed me an idea that he had posted!
"So if you drive around town sometime you will see a number of different license plates for the state of Utah. Some of the Neumont students wouldn't care, but I think that Neumont should get their own license plate. There are many different collegiate license plates but it would be sweet if we could get a Neumont plate."

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Relationship Violence can happen even at BYU
Many times the police show up and offer the women a safe place to go and they offer the man the chance to go with them to the police station. After so many times the man no longer gets the choice to go, they get escorted in hand cuffs to the station.
At BYU Domestic Violence is not restricted to those whose who have made sacred vows to one another. Many girls have abusive boyfriends (or just men in their lives), that may be it physically or emotionally abusive to them and some may not even realize that it is happening to them. Having lived through this myself in both aspects of physical and emotional violence from a previous boyfriend I understand the need for advocacy in this area especially amongst the girls here at BYU.
Domestic Violence:
Abuse is a means to gain power and control. A behavior is abusive if it is hurtful, occurs in a pattern, and does not stop. Domestic violence is the single most common source of injury to women. Physical violence is estimated to occur in 4 to 6 million intimate relationships each year in the United States.
“How tragic and utterly disgusting a phenomenon is wife abuse. Any man in this Church who abuses his wife, who demeans her, who insults her, who exercises unrighteous dominion over her is unworthy to hold the priesthood. Though he may have been ordained, the heavens will withdraw, the Spirit of the Lord will be grieved, and it will be amen to the authority of the priesthood of that man.” President Gordon B. Hinckley
For more information visit BYU's Women Services.
Other Resources:
Where Home isn't a Haven by Kent Harrison
Coping with the aftermath of Abuse by Jane Lawson
Healing from abuse through the power of the Atonement by Daniel Judd
Not to People Like Us by Susan Weitzman
To Heal the Shattering Consequences of Abuse by Richard G. Scott
Church Program Helps Victims of Domestic Violence
Utah Dating Violence Task Force
Who to call for help:
Women's Services and Resources 422-4887
BYU Police 422-2222
Center for Women & Children in Crisis/Rape Crisis Center 377-5500
National 24-hour Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Love One Another
Courtney wrote what follows:
Elder Jensen spoke of the many "different" people in the church. He explained how there is a certain culture surrounding the gospel (naturally), and how many people do not fit in to this particular mold. The classic (but true, all the same) examples of being divorced, single, widowed make people feel as though they don't belong, but also those who struggle with depression or eating disorders or those who have loved ones who are going through difficult times. Those who are minorities or those who have physical disabilities. As he listed all these people, I started to wonder how anyone feels like they belong in this culture. And that was one of his biggest points. He said, "everyone is a lost sheep. everyone has their failings, and everyone has their differences."
More often than not, I do not feel like I belong at church. I am not naturally out-going, and I rarely feel like I have people to talk to at church. Particularly now that we are in a new ward, I wonder if we will ever find our place. But I loved how Elder Jensen spoke about how it was our duty to include everyone. I've come to realize over the past couple years that there are very few people who don't need new friends. It's still hard for me to reach out to anyone, but realizing that has helped me a little bit.
Elder Jensen opened his talk by speaking about his younger brother, who had brain damage due to birth complications. The brother was often the brunt of much ridicule as a boy, and I felt so much shock at how people feel free to mock those with obvious disabilities. Then I read this post at By Common Consent today and thought the same thing. It scares me to have kids. I don't want them to be made fun of, but I'm also terrified that they will make fun of other kids.
One of the most important things I want-- need-- to teach my children is true compassion and understanding of others' feelings. Hopefully by making this a priority they won't make fun of other kids and when they are adults, they will reach out to those in need (well, I hope they do both things regardless of being a child or an adult).
I'm not sure where the church culture comes from that makes others feel alienated. I feel like I know more people who don't fit the perfect mold than those who do, but perhaps that's because I gravitate towards normal, real people. :)
I was very happy to find this blog post because it very much reflected how I feel. I work closely with people with disabilities as well have close family members who are disabled. I think of my cousin Chainey, who had Spina Bifida, when he was born. To think that anyone could ever tease him because he walks with a walker or sometimes uses a wheel chair kills me. I want to protect him but I know he is a strong boy. I also, like Courtney, want to teach my children (when I have children) to be accepting and love others.
I have felt very awkward before in wards and currently do. Its getting a little better but I still feel like the "special guest" that sticks out in the group like a sore thumb. For the first 3 months of being in our ward, we would only attend sacrament meeting. 3 weeks ago we started to attend all of our meetings and my first Sunday in Relief Society they introduced me as the "special guest" even though I had been in the ward for 3 months and they had already introduced all the new people and did the announcements and sang the opening song. I am sure they meant well but I just felt out of place.
I know most of them know that my husband and I were not married in the temple and most probably (more than I would like) know about our previous activity in the church, to me I feel out of place and awkward somewhat because of this. I am trying to be more outgoing in our ward, I even agreed to meet at 8:20 tonight to do my visiting teaching (my partner is the relief society president) and I signed up to do the October Craft on the 29th.
I know the church is true... the people don't always have me in fits of joy to go to activities but I know the simple fact that since Dan and I have centered our life on a common goal of working towards being better people we have been blessed in all aspects of our lifes. Heavenly Father blesses us and I can feel his love. I have always been very hard on myself and find that I feel guilty about most things I do and feel like their is no way Heavenly Father could love me.
This is the first time in my life that I feel like I have made the right decisions in working with our bishop and working towards our goal to be sealed together forever and that what we chose to do was right for us and we will be blessed. As often as I have seen people rush into marriage or dishonestly go through the temple I am glad we have waited and the joy of our sealing and our marriage has been so better because of this.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Wedding Photos!
Album 2
I couldn't have asked for more perfect beautiful pictures to remember our FABULOUS day. I have a shrine of them at work and I adore staring at my Daniels face as much as possible! haha I am a true dork. I posted these because I realized I had deleted my album post... Its more for my sake than anyone else... This blog is like a journal for me... I'm even more of a dork.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Life's blessings!

These girls were my roommates when I was 19! We had so much fun and I love each and every time I get to hang out with them. I was there for 6 hours and it went by so fast! Archie will be the first baby born to our little group! We are all so excited!
Today we had a great morning meeting with our bishop. He is such a blessing in our lives and so sweet to us both. We are so excited for events to come and we're thrilled to hear that what we are working towards is coming sooner than we ever thought!

Saturday, October 4, 2008
News Flash
Time goes by. I get to be a freshman in high school, I am doing okay, I am still overweight but in the grand scheme of things I was relatively normal for an adult.
I get to college. Now I am significantly overweight. I go through my freshman year and finish and realize I hate being overweight. I start doing weight watchers and lose a lot of weight, yet I become obsessive about it and it didn't end up being the healthiest thing for me at that time in my life. I was convinced my life would be so much better if I was thin.

So heart break, heart break, abusive relationships, heart break, etc occur.
Then I get sick... I get so awesomely sick that I can't get out of bed or go to school for that semester. I get so sick that I can't run which was my life line to staying thin at that time. I pick myself up have some more abuse and heart break and then I meet Dan. Dan accepted me for the "man hating basket case" that I was at the time.

Now I am at the state where I have had 3 significant health issues in the past year and a half and have gained back most of the weight I lost originally. I need to lose weight in order to be a healthy person but now I realize I don't need to lose weight to be accepted. I think about my future and my children and I now want to change for completely different reasons.

Well by the demands of my doctor and her threats on my future I am back on healthy regime. I don't mind it, I actually quite prefer it, however sometimes I fear my obsessive competitive attitude will manifest in an unhealthy way. Dan has me in check however.
I miss running. I used to run, a lot. I used to run all over Provo and I miss that dearly. I am not working into getting into the perfect pair of jeans, I am not looking to set off on the runways of New York or Paris or even Provo.... I am looking to run again, because when I ran I felt so free.