If you don't already know this semester I have fell in love with gerontology. Strange as it may be I am very interested in this field. Tonight for my health and aging class we went to one of the local retirement homes to have dinner with the residents. Each student was to pick a table and talk to the residents through dinner and then write a 3 page paper on what they talked about. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to remember enough to write the paper but upon arriving home I was able to write 3 pages easy on what we had talked about.
The three women I sat with were all in their 80's. One was 88! She had been married for 63 years when her husband passed away 7 years ago and she was married at 18 years old! She told me of the years that she grew up in Minnesota and her many years as a seamstress, raising four children and eventually running a fabric store. She was very sweet and she currently spends most of her time working on humanitarian projects for children around the world.
The other 2 women were not as talkative as the first but they were also kind and enjoyed living at the Seville. One was married at 17 and a half and the other at 22. There marriages both lasted about 30-40 years before their husbands passed. They all had great senses of humor, joking back and forth and telling me about their friends that they had their. The most common phrase said amongst the three was "I can't hear you!"
They were so excited about my recent marriage and my upcoming graduation. One of them told me to never get old because its the pits and just started laughing. They were so fun. To say the least I see getting old as an honor. My mom scoffed at me when I told her I am excited to get old. I guess what I was trying to say is that you either die young or grow old and I want to be able to have a full long life with my dear Dan!
Anyway I am excited to get involved at Jamestown Assisted living for my internship and to be able to interact with the residence their everyday!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
My baby is turning 11!
Carley is favorite little cousin! She was born October 1st 1997 when I was 11 years old! I was so excited for her to be born I couldn't even stand it! She was going to be the closest I ever came to a little sister! My mom took me to the hospital to see her the day she was born. She was so cute and little and I can still see 1 day old Carley in my mind!
I stayed with her family often and babysat her and loved being able to be there to watch her grown up. She was such a bubbly and happy baby! I remember many a time taking care of her and playing dress up. It was also so fun when her little brother, Chainey, came along 8 1/2 years ago and I had even more fun playing with the 2 of them!
I have missed them so much in the 4 years I have been away at school! Carley turned 7 just after I left for school. I cannot believe that she is almost 11, the same age I was when I fell in love with her as an infant! I can't wait for the day that I have a little girl and Carley can take care of her!

Thursday, September 25, 2008
One Year Ago Today My Life Changed
This is the handsome man I married 3 months ago!

One year ago today I spent my entire day in bed. I slept all night and all day! I woke up around 5 pm and hit myself in the face because I couldn't believe how my life had turned out.
The night before one of the guys I had been seeing was questioning me about my relationship with his roommate. I asked him "WHAT RELATIONSHIP!?" He asked me about his roommate and I's break up the week earlier and I told him it was news to me because "How could we break up if we weren't even together!?" In my mind by the point I hadn't been with with his roommate. We were not dating. I spent a lot of time with him and yes at some points I liked him and others I thought he was a complete jerk and for the most part I was just "seeing" him in the sense that I saw him, we would hang out, and that was it.
The two of them had just became roommates and I was constantly sick about the fact that the guy I had been hanging out with, would find out about his roommate and I. It made me sick to my stomach and more depressed than I had ever been in my life. I felt like a fraud and wanted out of the situation. I had felt stuck for so long. That entire summer I had felt like there was no way out, that I was destined to lose.
I had met Daniel on July 4th, in the middle of that summer. Dan liked me but I was convinced that he would just treat me like every other guy had treated me. He seemed so nice but I assumed it was just an act. How completely wrong I was. My phone broke in July and I let that be my excuse for not continuing talking to Dan. Although I thought about him and thought well maybe I should give him a chance or maybe I should email him, but instead of following through on my thoughts I spent most of my days upset, crying and in bed.
I had finally realized how much torture I had been putting myself through. I would never end up with either of these guys, thankfully, and as long as I continued hanging out with them I would continue to go no where in my life because I would never take risks or try. And I would continually feel like a piece of garbage that could be used and thrown out at their desire. I had to leave so I did just that and never went back!
That is when I went into my 18 hour slumber. I woke up at 5pm on the 25th of September to a text message from Dan. We had been talking again for well over a month. I would tell him all about what was going on with my crazy life and he would continually ask why I put myself through such torture. He was such a good listening ear and I was so thankful to have someone who didn't judge me and just wanted me to be happy. Dan had been asking me out on a date for awhile and I could never fully agree sometimes I thought he was tricking me into it. He asked me again on the 25th but this time he just asked if I wanted to come over. He had just bought a cool new video game and was on his school break so he thought it would be fun if we hung out or did something. I finally agreed. I pulled myself together and spent the next hour getting ready.
I showed up at Dan's house and thankfully I called him before I went to the door because he told me his house was the third on the left when it was actually the forth. I met his sister Lisa briefly that night and hung out with Dan as he showed me his new game Halo 3. He was such a sweet heart and I kept telling him it was not a date we were just going to be friends! He took me to Los Hermanos that night and it was one of the best nights and meals I have had! We went back to his house and started to watch a movie, however I could not understand the accents of the people in the movie I asked Dan to change it. I had brought over Arrested Development and we started to watch an episode or two. I don't think Dan thought they were that funny but it was just nice to sit there with him. I remember he held my hand and I got a little freaked out. I was thinking, "hey this isn't a date!"
Anyway I called it a night really early and drove myself home. Dan was leaving for California the next day and was dying to see me before he left. I remember walking across campus thinking I was crazy and told him that we had to wait until he came back from California. We talked the whole trip (his mom told me just a few weeks ago that they remember it was like Dan wasn't even there because he was constantly text messaging!)
To say the absolute least, Dan is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He makes me try harder and he causes me to look at things in a different light. He is outgoing and positive and he loves me for who I am. I don't know how all this could happen in one years time but its been the best year of my life. I have learned so much more about myself and have started to act responsibly to work towards my future.
Anyway this is a super long post but I love my Daniel... he is my night and shining armor!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Fall is here!
So far I am 3 weeks into school and everything is going well! I haven't missed a class yet which is quite a success for me. My classes aren't too bad and this is my last semester with a full class load. I have already started doing some research into what I would like to do for my internship. So far I have decided that I am minoring in Gerontology and that I want to do my 9 credits of internship at Jamestown Assisted Living in Provo. Its just 3 miles away and I would be planning activities for the seniors that live there. I am looking forward to walking during the April graduation and finishing up with my internship in June!
We celebrated Dans 22nd birthday this past week! His birthday was on the 18th but we started celebrating the Saturday before! He had a great birthday and I want to thank everyone who made it a great week for him even though he had finals!
We also celebrated my sister in law Kandace's birthday and my father in law Mark's birthday this last week!
I have to say that I am so proud of Dan. He has just finished his 5th quarter at Neumont University and got amazing grades!! He has 3 quarters left and I am so excited for him to start his career. We have discussed our post grad plans and are hoping that Dan has a job lined up before he graduates. I am hoping that we can move to either Las Vegas or Phoenix. Those would be my top two places to live! Either way I am looking forward to finding a full time job at a senior center or assisted living home as well as becoming a Certified Nurses Assistant.
Yesterday we went car shopping (not for now but hopefully the near future)! I officially hate shopping at dealerships but we drove some cool cars! We are looking at getting a Hybrid and so we looked at the Toyota Prius, Camry, and Highlander! Dan and I agreed that the Prius (although gets about 45 mpg) is very small and has an obstructed rear visual field. Dan loved the Camry, it was tons more roomy and has a sleek design. I loved the Highlander for its 3 rows of seats and SUV style while still getting almost 30 mpg! For now we don't have to worry about it but I look forward to getting a new car in the future!
Anyway, Fall is here which means winter is around the corner. I truly hope that next winter we will be living somewhere a little warmer!!
We celebrated Dans 22nd birthday this past week! His birthday was on the 18th but we started celebrating the Saturday before! He had a great birthday and I want to thank everyone who made it a great week for him even though he had finals!

I have to say that I am so proud of Dan. He has just finished his 5th quarter at Neumont University and got amazing grades!! He has 3 quarters left and I am so excited for him to start his career. We have discussed our post grad plans and are hoping that Dan has a job lined up before he graduates. I am hoping that we can move to either Las Vegas or Phoenix. Those would be my top two places to live! Either way I am looking forward to finding a full time job at a senior center or assisted living home as well as becoming a Certified Nurses Assistant.
Yesterday we went car shopping (not for now but hopefully the near future)! I officially hate shopping at dealerships but we drove some cool cars! We are looking at getting a Hybrid and so we looked at the Toyota Prius, Camry, and Highlander! Dan and I agreed that the Prius (although gets about 45 mpg) is very small and has an obstructed rear visual field. Dan loved the Camry, it was tons more roomy and has a sleek design. I loved the Highlander for its 3 rows of seats and SUV style while still getting almost 30 mpg! For now we don't have to worry about it but I look forward to getting a new car in the future!
Anyway, Fall is here which means winter is around the corner. I truly hope that next winter we will be living somewhere a little warmer!!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Saying goodbye to Grandpa Rex
Dan went to bed for just a little bit but decided to come back and stay with me in Grandpa's room and I am so thankful he did. Because of that decision and I would say the spirit we were able to get to Dan's mom and her sisters much faster than I believe either of us could have done alone.
Dan and I looked at each other for only a moment as to what to do. We both sat down our computers and went to Grandpa's side. I tried to find his pulse and it was very slow and weak and I also put my hand about 2 inches above his month and nose to feel if any air was coming out. I told Dan to go and he ran faster than I could ever have done. Within what seemed like 2 seconds Kathy, Joan and Mary were standing by their fathers side as he took 2 more gasps of air. We all were trying to find his pulse and held our hands on his arms and chest.
It was one of the most spiritual experiences of my life. I have always been scared of death, but one thing I learned last night that death is lots of things, but one thing it was not was scary. I appreciate and love grandpa for all he has done. He taught me so much in the year I have known him about strength and independence (sometimes to the point of far too much independence) but he was a fighter, he was strong and he loved doing things for himself. I am so happy that right now he is with his sweetheart Donna. They have been apart for 21 years and I am so excited for both of them.
I hope Dan and I can have as an amazing a life as Donna and Rex have had. With trials and children and love.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Staying up with Grandpa Rex
This week has been an interesting start of school for me. It involved its usual struggles over financial aid, shuffling between work and classes, and forgetting to do homework assignments that were already due. But this week was interesting because I started working with my acedemic adviser on how to get me outta here in a year with a diploma! We discussed internships and I have to go back to make sure I have all the classes I need.
I am taking a class on "Health and the Aging process," upon attending that class I decided to pick up the Gerontology minor/certificate to my to do list to graduate. I only have to take 1 (maybe 2) more classes to fulfill the requirement, they will give me 200-500 dollars just for doing it and it will bump me just up to 120 credit hours I need in order to graduate. I would like to complete my internship working with the elderly as well!
I have extensive experience in working with people with disabilities and I figure I really enjoy doing what most people wouldn't want to do. Seeing as I didn't even realize until this last year (blind and ignorant I am) that people would dislike people with disabilities, be scared of them, judge and be prejudice against them.
I really enjoy elderly people. I have always found such an honor and beauty in the fact that they have had the privilege to live a long life. It is something I want to have and in my own personal opinion, those newly born and those close to death are the two closest things to God that I have found on this earth. I have been around newborns and have felt their peace and spirit and this week I have been around Daniels grandfather, Rex, as he is transitioning to pass.
He is 95 years old. He has always been a kind, good humored man with a big heart.
I am taking a class on "Health and the Aging process," upon attending that class I decided to pick up the Gerontology minor/certificate to my to do list to graduate. I only have to take 1 (maybe 2) more classes to fulfill the requirement, they will give me 200-500 dollars just for doing it and it will bump me just up to 120 credit hours I need in order to graduate. I would like to complete my internship working with the elderly as well!
I have extensive experience in working with people with disabilities and I figure I really enjoy doing what most people wouldn't want to do. Seeing as I didn't even realize until this last year (blind and ignorant I am) that people would dislike people with disabilities, be scared of them, judge and be prejudice against them.
I really enjoy elderly people. I have always found such an honor and beauty in the fact that they have had the privilege to live a long life. It is something I want to have and in my own personal opinion, those newly born and those close to death are the two closest things to God that I have found on this earth. I have been around newborns and have felt their peace and spirit and this week I have been around Daniels grandfather, Rex, as he is transitioning to pass.
He is 95 years old. He has always been a kind, good humored man with a big heart.
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