Saturday, February 23, 2013

26+ months of infertility

I wish more friends would simply ask how we are doing. I feel like there are lots of friends and family aware of what we are going through but very few that reach out and do these things. I appreciate the ones that do more than I could ever say, thank you from the bottom of my heart! I often feel like what we are going through is often ignored, not that I want to talk about it with friends and family constantly but its nice to know that we are not alone.  Even if you have never dealt with infertility, its comforting to know there are people who love and care about the struggles we have experienced. This is a loss in our life that we are trying to come to terms with daily.
It is really really hard for me seeing people everywhere having more children, children younger than Ava that are already big brothers or big sisters (or will be very soon). Its especially hard that people who have already gotten pregnant once and had their babies are getting pregnant again since we have been trying. Its hard to see little babies become big brothers or sisters right after their 1st or 2nd birthdays. I have lots of family and friends that fit in this category of having had another child since we've been trying, obviously the world doesn't stop getting pregnant because I can't. I love you and your kids but its sometimes a hard reminder of what we can't do. You can't change that, nor should you, just be understanding that it may be hard for me (some days are harder than others).
I am grateful for what I do have and I am trying to focus on this. Its easy to judge a mom with secondary infertility and say she should just be grateful for the child/children she has but its not that simple. There are lots and lots of hard days where I can be negative and sad. Please be patient with me in this aspect.
Book I ordered to read! Looking forward to its arrival.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have wanted to say, for a very long time, that I do understand what you are going through. It can even be worse when no one mentions the subject because they don't want to hurt you. Or when you see those happy families everywhere (and yes you are happy for you friends) but it is hard to see what you are missing out on. To smile and put a brave face on then go home a cry about something that can't change. No matter your faith in our Heavenly Father, it still hurts, although He can comfort you, you know your life is still missing something. I hope and pray that you can have your dreams realized sooner rather than later. If you ever need to talk, vent, or whatever, my email is