It's with a little embarrassment that I say this. I had to delete a bunch of Facebook friends this last week. Well over 100. I'd love to delete Facebook all together but I have to use it for both my forms of income.
I've been struggling a lot with both friends posting about their pregnancies and general posts of friends with lots of kids (meaning more than 1 in my book) and either the stress of it or the joys. Either seem to get me down lately.
I feel bad because I did delete tons of people i do like but either their pregnant (sorry yes that was a big one and I know they won't be pregnant forever) or mostly the post they like or comment on often can have a negative effect on me... thanks to facebooks new settings I now see tons more pregnancy baby annoucements than I'd ever like from people I don't even know simply because my friends like or comment.
This all sounds horribly selfish but at this point in the journey I need to be. i have been struggling greatly with depression and I need to get some of my mental health back. I need to earn an income and Facebook is part of that. So instead of being able to delete Facebook I just had to turn it into family book and call that good enough.
So if you happen to read this blog and aren't on my Facebook anymore. I'm sorry. I'm doing the best I can right now with what I have. I hope I don't always feel like this. I hope someday life doesn't feel so overwhelmingly hard that I can't socialize with hardly anyone because this is not how I pictured my life.
Praying for you! Get happy soon. Wish we could still see you...
I love you. Maybe someday I'll be back in Utah, then I will come over to your house and watch mirror.
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