Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ava update 32 months

Just 4 more months till our sweet girl turns 3!! I remember back when we moved to Utah with Ava and she was 4 months old and all the I15 construction signs said "complete in December 2012" and thinking to myself "that is so far away!!! My baby will be nearly 3!" Well here we are!

Ava went to the doctor today. She's had problems with blocked tear ducts pretty much her entire life but they have been horrid the last 2 1/2 months. We are finally doing surgery and hopefully having her adenoids out at the same time because her throat is almost always swollen. :/ should know here in the next few weeks when her surgery will be.

Ava measured in at 37.5 pounds and 39.5 inches. She's gained a pound and an inch in 2 months?!

She's little miss talkative even though I know most people don't understand her. One of her latest sayings is loudly exclaiming "oh my gosh!!" Not my proudest parenting moment since in Utah that can be sometimes considered a swear but oh goodness is she funny.

She also recently learned knock knock jokes. I've never seen her laugh so hard at her self in her entire life. It's the sweetest thing!

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