Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ready for winter to be OVER

This winter has been relatively mild as far as snow goes, but I'm so ready for it to be over!!!

Ava's been sick sooo much this winter, ever since we got back from our trip to AZ in October it seems like its something every other week. Last week it was some virus that gave her bad diarrhea and a rash, this week (still dealing with the rash), she has RSV for the 2nd time this winter!

Poor girl is having such a hard time breathing. She is so happy aside from being sick but I hate for her to be sick.

Today, however, she did the cutest thing ever. I walked into her room at 5 to check on her while she was napping. She needed to get up and when I walked in I noticed she was sitting up in her crib. I turned on the light and she was sitting there, with a binky in her mouth and one hand holding onto a crib bar, totally asleep! I scared her awake when I started laughing. It was so cute.

Other big bonus is we got her a small space heater for her room. She is sleeping better and not waking up freezing cold. We usually have to have our heater almost up to 80 degree's and its still freezing in our condo. Now we don't have to worry about it because at least Ava is comfortable!!

Anyway READY NOW for winter to be over. Not to mention, I'm really excited about Ava's first birthday. Not that I'm ready for my baby to be 1, but I've got her pictures planned and can't wait to do them! I also can't wait to see Ava's reaction to her smash cake :)

OH and this summer I can't wait to get Ava in her cute little swim suits and get her a kiddie pool to play in! She loves water so much so I know she will have a blast!

1 comment:

Jason and Ronda said...

I hear ya! I hate winter. Too depressing. This is when I miss the AZ. Sorry to hear about Ava. That's sad. HOpe she gets better soon!