Saturday, January 15, 2011

10 Months Old

How is my baby 10 months old already? How has this past year gone by so quickly?

Ava is 23 pounds 8 ounces and 31 inches tall today!! 12-18 month clothes, size 4 diapers... she's just crazy big!

Last month I was wondering when she would start crawling on her knees, pulling up, cruising, getting teeth?! Well very quickly she did all of those this month... except the teeth part (and she only cruises a little bit).

She spends most of her day trying to figure out how to climb every single thing thats close to her. She even tries to climb on other little kids. She doesn't realize they aren't sturdy enough to climb on.

Ever since she figured out how to stand in her crib right after the new year, sleep has been a bit different. She hasn't been as easy to keep asleep for 14 hours a night but for some reason the lack of sleep hasn't been bothering me lately. Once I recovered from 7 months straight of no sleep, this little sleep regression doesn't seem like a big deal at all.

Anyway, Ava's birthday is in 2 months!! I'm excited but terrified at the same time. Her birthday means she will be walking soon, she'll start eating real food more than bottles (I'm not ready for that), she'll get teeth (maybe), she'll start talking.... all these things I just can't imagine her doing.

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