Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I think I need to get rid of my facebook account, stop talking to other people and stay home... maybe then I won't have to hear about other people's babies that sleep like perfect angels.

Seriously? I am starting to think its a conspiracy, that no one's babies really sleep 10-12 hours a night let alone more than 4 hours in a row?! So if you say your baby does.... I don't believe you :)

Sorry to complain.

1 comment:

EM said...

Britt - I have to tell you that there is still hope. Tal woke up 2-5 times a night forever too. I kept reading and hearing that I just had to let him "cry it out." I tried, but after he screamed for over an hour I just couldn't do it. So I just accepted that I would get up with him. Well when he turned one I decided again that it was ridiculous and I would be so hard and just let him cry. The first night he cried for less than 10 minutes, then slept great until about 6 am. He has been sleeping through the night ever since.

I definitely believe that all babies are different. I think Tal really was hungry when he was younger and I just couldn't let my little guy be hungry. But he has grown out of it. I am sure that Ava will too. It just might be a little while longer.

And if she never does, I'll give you the encouragement that my husband gave me..."don't worry he (she) will go to college one day." Good luck!!!