Saturday, March 6, 2010

Nothing too new going on

Somehow I thought I may have more to share than this... but lo and behold, I don't haha same old same old for right now! As you can tell these are pretty much the only things that keep me occupied for the time being!

How many times can I change up 1 room... not sure, but I am pretty sure I am finally done!
Tiny is as cute as ever! Almost 11 months, cannot believe he will be a year old next month! I realized he has finally got a really good schedule down that I can keep up with. Only took us 8 months.


La Esposa said...

Brittany, I've been commenting sporadically throughout all your older posts b/c stoopid Blogspot hasn't been letting me know when you update your blog! But (as prior comments will show):

LOVE LOVE LOVE the nursery colors. Precious. and I feel like I haven't seem them before!

You look great mija! I can't believe you're right around the corner for lil' Ava to come!!

And I'm really sorry about your car. So unfair and I'm sorry

mairzy said...

Your random red-painted toenail in that last pic with Tiny makes me miss you.