Monday, March 8, 2010

What the!

I hate my old health insurance company, they keep sending me insane bills for things that don't make sense, I have a feeling I am going to be on the phone for a long time tomorrow trying to sort all of that mess out. And while I was opening yet another strange bill, my little brother walks in to tell me that my car was broken into AGAIN...

So now I get to replace yet another side window (which our insurance doesn't cover and I never changed since the last time, BOOO) and I will not be installing a stereo or buying another ipod or even borrowing another ipod. I am super paranoid (if anyone doesn't know that already) so I have been really good about NOT leaving Dan's ipod in the car EVER, I will take it in with me to stores and what not whenever I am out, so somehow I forgot on Saturday to bring in the ipod and these losers stole it.

All I can figure is that they are coming by the house and checking to see if I have replaced what they have stolen. We just got a new stereo and thankfully haven't installed it yet, now we won't install it and I just will never listen to music in my car ever again or at least till we move :(


The Halladays said...

Sad! I'm so sorry Brittany! Good luck with Baby Ava!

Brittany Calkins said...

Thanks, I am just a big whiny baby today :)

miss chaz. said...

Oh no, brittany! I'm so sorry:( and yeah.....can totally relate with health insurance nonsense! ughhh

but your blog is TOO CUTE! love the design!:)

Julie said...

That stinks! I am super paranoid about Isaac's car seat?! Isn't that crazy... who steals car seats? But its nice and I ALWAYS lock the car cause what if? But I guess they could break the window. Scott is an insurance agent... you should have him hook you up with a good discount!

Brittany Calkins said...

Lol Thanks Chaz! I love green and pink!

Julie I am super paranoid about them stealing Ava's car seat just cause it cost us so much haha! The base was in the car when they broke in but they didn't steal it :)