Having Dan sick has been really hard and scary. He went to the Doctor and they said that seeing as he has all the flu symptoms, doesn't matter if its seasonal or H1N1, we need to act as if worse case scenario since I am pregnant and either Flu could be really bad for me.
I am not supposed to be taking care of him much and he is just locked (well kinda) in our 2nd bedroom, sleeping on a twin bed. I would have given up our bedroom but I guess the room with the TV and Xbox was more exciting to a sick man.
His fever looks like it has broken and hopefully he is getting better. Last night he looked so horrible, so I am praying we are near the end of this and that I don't get sick. This has been so hard on me cause I can't be around him much and I worry about him getting better and myself and our baby being okay.
I am ready to fast forward to November now.