Saturday, January 31, 2009

I have been journaling more

And blogging less. I wish I had things to blog about right now but mostly I have just been writing to myself.

Life is going quite well, but I don't have anything cute to post (like a child or a puppy)... so ya that's it for now.

Tonight Dan drove me up to American Fork so I could see the Mount Timp temple. I wanted to see it before we went there to get our endowments out in April! Which I am unbelievably excited to do!

Tomorrow we are going to Kaysville to have dinner at Dan's Aunt Mary's! I am excited to see the family!

I am currently taking fun dosages of pain medication. I had a root canal on Monday for a tooth that wasn't hurting and now (post root canal) is killing me. I highly dislike dentists and their freakish ways.

I am getting ready for midterms to start and Dan and I are still a pretty awesome pair, just extraordinarily busy!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I am addicted to the forecast!

Once again, I am looking forward to blue skies all the way (hopefully) through February!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

What Once was Lost, Now is Found

Yay. We had a good end to what was seemingly a horrible day!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Thin and Crispy BBQ Chicken Pizza

This is a great tasty, low carb option!

1 Whole-Wheat Tortilla (8")
2 Tablespoons BBQ Sauce
1/2 Cup (2 ounces) Light or Fat Free Shredded Cheese
2/3 Cup (3 ounces) Grilled Chicken Breast
1/4 Cup Sliced Red Onion
1 1/2 Teaspoons Chopped Fresh Cilantro Leaves

Preheat oven to 400. Place the tortilla on a small nonstick baking sheet. Bake for 4 to 5 minutes per side, or until crisp. If air bubbles form, poke them with a fork, then press out with a spatula or oven mitt. Remove the sheet from the oven. Top the tortilla evenly in layers with sauce, cheese, chicken, onion and cilantro. Bake for 2 to 4 minutes or until cheese is completely melted. Serve Immediately (sliced or whole!)

Makes 1 serving with about 350 calories!

This is Life

I have been going none stop for three weeks. Today I had a reality check that I can't go full speed all the time.

There's something wrong with the Clutch in Dan's car, I have a cavity that has been hurting and I have a midterm on Monday that I HAVE to take for my online Epi Class!

I called in some reinforcement from Dan's mom to help us get Dan's car to the shop and she is kindly letting Dan borrow her van to drive up to South Jordan (since my car still has bald tires that we haven't had the money to fix).

We didn't have money for tires, and we don't have money for clutch problems and/or cavity problems.

But on a positive note, we did find a solution for the "no computer chair" issue. See we have been using a hard kitchen chair as a computer chair since we moved in and it is painful to sit in... Today we decided to make use of the small arm chair we bought from Ikea after our wedding, that for the past six months has been holding nothing but mail and coats! Now it kindly holds me while I sit at my computer. Way to go arm chair!

Also, 2 months from now we will be getting ready to head down to AZ for interviews (we hope!) and 3 months from today I will walk at Graduation!

Be proud of my cute husband, he is doing his internship at Medicity!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Quick and Easy Recipes

I just found this link for quick and easy recipes while looking for items for my internship... All I can say is I wanna go home and cook!

Update (Because I'm Boring)

I realized this morning how boring my blog has been since school has started! I do intend to put up an awesome recipe that Dan and I tried 2 weeks ago and love!! I just need 2 minutes to breathe while I am at home to do that!

I have completed 2 1/2 weeks of school! I have stayed pretty on top of things and have attended all my classes! This keeps me busy between 7am and 7pm everyday.

Lisa came to visit from Washington and we got to spend a lot of time with her this weekend. I just wish we were able to see her more before she leaves!

As far as fun things that we are looking forward to this semester... Dan and I are going with his parents to the Draper Temple Open House on February 10th. We are also hoping to make it down to Arizona for some interviews the last week of March! I will be done with my Health Department Internship and classes in 12 weeks and will graduate on April 24th! As soon as I graduate I will need to start my Gerontology Internship, and I hope to do that at a Hospice agency in Orem.

Thats it for right now!

Sunday, January 18, 2009 is treating me right!

Ten days ago I posted the 10 day forecast which was 10 sunny days in a row... and believe it or not, we had it! No snow since Tuesday the 6th. Here's the next 10 days. Not perfect but I will take it!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Happy 1 year anniversary Pseudotumor, I still hate you!

Thanks for the memories... but can we break up now?!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Internship Projects

I have been working on these two projects for the past week. The first is a 4 page strength training manual for beginners and the second is a 2 page healthy option guide for the local restaurants that Utah County Health Department employees get discounts at.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

January Nights

Friday, January 9, 2009

The Weather

Nothing looks quite as good on a cold January day then 10 suns all in a row!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

5 minute Update

I have been very busy and have not had much time to update my blog. I am stealing a few minutes from work to do so.

School is in the full swing of things and I am grudgingly taking 15 credit hours. I am at my internship 20 hours a week and at my job 20 hours a week. I leave my apartment at 7:30 am and return home at 7:30 pm and somewhere in the next 12 hours I have to figure out how to eat, sleep, do homework, and do everything else I need to do.

My head has been hurting for the past few days, I haven't decided if its pseudotumor pains worsening or my head cold ending. My head doesn't feel nearly as horrible as it did 1 year ago exactly!

I just turned in my graduation application. I am so ready to get this show on the road! I just have to tell myself 15 weeks and then I am ABSOLUTELY done (with the hard stuff, still will have a 3 credit gerontology internship!)

Dan goes back to school Monday, lets pray I can make it through the anxiety of him driving in the stinky weather!

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Not the show... but I hate losing things. It may be OCD or something but I really hate it. I hope someday I can get over this and forget about it when something gets lost.