Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We spent the day at Dan's Parents house in Orem with his parents, Mark & Kathy, his brother Matt and his wife Kandace (who came down from Rexburg, Idaho) and my friend Mary!

We had a great meal and lots of fun! The boys have spent MOST of the past 2 days playing xbox and the girls have spent MOST of the past 2 days quilting!!! Kandace and I are in Kathy Calkins Quilting 101 for Impatient Beginners!!!

Saturday we woke up early and drove up Immigration Canyon in Salt Lake and went to Ruths Diner! We highly suggest it for anyone who wants to have a fun experience eating good food in an old train car! It has been a fun weekend and I am sad to see it end!


mairzy said...

It was a wonderful Thanksgiving!! :-)

The Halladays said...

Thanks for filling me in on the new blog site. I looked this morning at the old one and i couldnt get on, I was soo confused. You and Dan look adorable in your Thanksgiving picture! Love ya back!!!