Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Cibola Vista Spa & Resort
Because of school and traveling and limited time we wanted to get in as much time as we could squeeze in for our honeymoon!
We were going to drive up to Park City, Utah for our honeymoon and stay at the Marriott their at the base of the mountain but our honeymoon would only be 4 days and 4 nights that way. Now we are going to stay at Cibola Vista Spa and Resort in Peoria, Arizona and now our honeymoon will be 7 days and 7 nights!!! We are excited!

Monday, April 28, 2008
Spring to do:
Go on bike rides with MARY
Clean out boxes in hallway and in storage unit and get rid of JUNK
Finish my wedding plans
Do and send out wedding invitations
Work 40 hours a week (at least)
Work on some Scott Christley ART with Mary to get the pain out.
Get married in 61 days!
Clean out boxes in hallway and in storage unit and get rid of JUNK
Finish my wedding plans
Do and send out wedding invitations
Work 40 hours a week (at least)
Work on some Scott Christley ART with Mary to get the pain out.
Get married in 61 days!
Friday, April 25, 2008
I am starting to visualize how the rest of my life will be
I have enjoyed finishing up finals this semester. Looking forward to all A's and only one B landing this semester at number one on my best grades list for my time at BYU. I however am exhausted. I have been working a lot and am going to start working on campus 40 hours a week plus another 10 at my 2nd job as well as doing 3 credits of classes which actual ends up being 6 hours a week of classes. I will pretty much be up every day from 7 to at least 8 going straight without breaks... Is this the life of a DIVA? I think not, but its my life for right now.
I love working with my boss Sherene and my co-worker Mary! I hate working with one of my managers Scott but I pretty much keep my mouth shut when I am around him. I love feeling like I am helping my and Daniels future. I don't dislike working, I just disliking not getting to be with Dan as much as I would like. He is working hard too but I want his focus to be on getting through school. I am so proud of his last term at Neumont! It was his best term by far and I am so happy I am marrying such a bright intelligent person who teaches me so much. I also appreciate that he comes from very smart parents.
Anyway I am tired and excited and anxious for the future! As for this weekend I get to move in with my old roommate and current co-worker Mary! Mary is by far one of my favorite people I have lived with while attending BYU and I am really happy that I get to spend my last 2 months with roommates with Mary!!!
Thats all for now!
I love working with my boss Sherene and my co-worker Mary! I hate working with one of my managers Scott but I pretty much keep my mouth shut when I am around him. I love feeling like I am helping my and Daniels future. I don't dislike working, I just disliking not getting to be with Dan as much as I would like. He is working hard too but I want his focus to be on getting through school. I am so proud of his last term at Neumont! It was his best term by far and I am so happy I am marrying such a bright intelligent person who teaches me so much. I also appreciate that he comes from very smart parents.
Anyway I am tired and excited and anxious for the future! As for this weekend I get to move in with my old roommate and current co-worker Mary! Mary is by far one of my favorite people I have lived with while attending BYU and I am really happy that I get to spend my last 2 months with roommates with Mary!!!
Thats all for now!
Public Health Education
Monday, April 21, 2008
I just got a raise...
I am so happy.
I am now willing to whore myself to the UAC again without any complaint because they have now met my whoring quota.
I will still probably complain a little.
Thats all.
I am so happy.
I am now willing to whore myself to the UAC again without any complaint because they have now met my whoring quota.
I will still probably complain a little.
Thats all.
Back to normal
I have calmed since my heightened state of annoyance with engaged girls.
Back to normal. 4 days till I have to start doing alterations on my dress, 18 days till we come home for Ally's wedding, ENGAGEMENT PHOTOS and what not, and 68 days till our wedding!
Back to normal. 4 days till I have to start doing alterations on my dress, 18 days till we come home for Ally's wedding, ENGAGEMENT PHOTOS and what not, and 68 days till our wedding!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
So Allyson and I have joked about Bridezillas all semester seeing as both of us are planning weddings.
I actually met one yesterday! I was trying to get rid of some of the christmas lights we had bought for our original reception so I posted them and immediately got a response from this girl. Upon calling her I could IMMEDIATELY tell that she was a) very stressed out or b) a bitch. (pardon my language)
Well after meeting her I take it that she is a little of both. Picture this. She calls with about 1 million questions about the lights, which were brand new, still in boxes, never used. She even wanted to know how I was planning on setting them up because she doesn't know how. This is not a horrible question, but she asked me 6 times in the 3 times I talked to her.
We then agree to meet up. She did not want to drive out to meet us anywhere, but wanted Dan and I to come to her apartment. I find out she is living in the newest apartments in Provo that were just finished in August.
Not to mention when we get to her apartment she doesn't even offer to come down to the car to look at the stuff but asks us to carry all the boxes up to her 4th floor apartment! Her apartment was huge and super nice and when we walk in, we found it completely furnished with beautiful leather couches, all new appliances and a huge 42 inch TV hanging on the wall along with all her other beautiful things.
She is standing there in her stuck up little way going through the lights, complaining, CALLING HER FIANCE ABOUT EVERYTHING (she did that every time I emailed her or talked to her on the phone as well), complaining about having 3 receptions!! 2 of which are here in Utah at club houses and what not.
Anyway come to find out she is not getting married until SEPTEMBER and she was complaining about how she is from DC and how everyone is leaving her for the summer and she has to do it all by herself. PLUS she would not listen to me in regards to why I picked the prices for each box and she kept fighting with me over it (even thou I had already lowered the price when she asked me to!) and I was like hun, do you really have a problem with money?
Anyway its her life, I just wanted to complain for a few minutes because I am trying to have the wedding I want but I also don't want to be a bitch and annoying to the people around me!
Teaches me to relax a little more about my wedding because their is no reason to treat people like crap because you have to plan 3 receptions at all your beautiful places with all your beautiful things and all your fantastic money.
I am also very annoyed with a bitchy girl in my class who when asked at the beginning of the semester what she does for a job and her answer was "I can't work, I am planning my wedding."
She gets married this week and she complained constantly during the final about having to do finals right before HER wedding... Well I am sorry, it is not our fault YOU decided to have YOUR wedding the week of Finals!!!
Ok I am done complaining about other people complaining about their weddings.
I actually met one yesterday! I was trying to get rid of some of the christmas lights we had bought for our original reception so I posted them and immediately got a response from this girl. Upon calling her I could IMMEDIATELY tell that she was a) very stressed out or b) a bitch. (pardon my language)
Well after meeting her I take it that she is a little of both. Picture this. She calls with about 1 million questions about the lights, which were brand new, still in boxes, never used. She even wanted to know how I was planning on setting them up because she doesn't know how. This is not a horrible question, but she asked me 6 times in the 3 times I talked to her.
We then agree to meet up. She did not want to drive out to meet us anywhere, but wanted Dan and I to come to her apartment. I find out she is living in the newest apartments in Provo that were just finished in August.
Not to mention when we get to her apartment she doesn't even offer to come down to the car to look at the stuff but asks us to carry all the boxes up to her 4th floor apartment! Her apartment was huge and super nice and when we walk in, we found it completely furnished with beautiful leather couches, all new appliances and a huge 42 inch TV hanging on the wall along with all her other beautiful things.
She is standing there in her stuck up little way going through the lights, complaining, CALLING HER FIANCE ABOUT EVERYTHING (she did that every time I emailed her or talked to her on the phone as well), complaining about having 3 receptions!! 2 of which are here in Utah at club houses and what not.
Anyway come to find out she is not getting married until SEPTEMBER and she was complaining about how she is from DC and how everyone is leaving her for the summer and she has to do it all by herself. PLUS she would not listen to me in regards to why I picked the prices for each box and she kept fighting with me over it (even thou I had already lowered the price when she asked me to!) and I was like hun, do you really have a problem with money?
Anyway its her life, I just wanted to complain for a few minutes because I am trying to have the wedding I want but I also don't want to be a bitch and annoying to the people around me!
Teaches me to relax a little more about my wedding because their is no reason to treat people like crap because you have to plan 3 receptions at all your beautiful places with all your beautiful things and all your fantastic money.
I am also very annoyed with a bitchy girl in my class who when asked at the beginning of the semester what she does for a job and her answer was "I can't work, I am planning my wedding."
She gets married this week and she complained constantly during the final about having to do finals right before HER wedding... Well I am sorry, it is not our fault YOU decided to have YOUR wedding the week of Finals!!!
Ok I am done complaining about other people complaining about their weddings.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Quick Update
Mario is back home now. My mom has the hopes that he will eat this week if she makes him his favorite foods... like chicken!
I start finals in the morning! BOOOOOO! And I need to check to see if a certain grade I got last semester counts for my major as "passing" or if I must retake it... Cause if have to I will shoot myself.
I am super tired!
My reception changed locations and will now be at the Secret Garden in Phoenix!!!
Dan and I are selling our souls.. I mean our stuff on Craigs List because well thats what its come to!
And I had delicious yellow curry tonight at Thai Ruby in honor of Rachael's farewell from Provo (FOREVER)...
I start finals in the morning! BOOOOOO! And I need to check to see if a certain grade I got last semester counts for my major as "passing" or if I must retake it... Cause if have to I will shoot myself.
I am super tired!
My reception changed locations and will now be at the Secret Garden in Phoenix!!!
Dan and I are selling our souls.. I mean our stuff on Craigs List because well thats what its come to!
And I had delicious yellow curry tonight at Thai Ruby in honor of Rachael's farewell from Provo (FOREVER)...

Thursday, April 17, 2008
My baby is sick!

He was my easter present (I think, memories kinda a blur) 13 years ago. I remember going to pick him out with my brothers but the final say was mine. They had about 6 puppies in the litter and only 2 were left when we got there. A boy and a girl. I saw little Mario and couldn't live without him. He was my baby and I loved him. Christopher, for some reason, got to name him, but other than that he was mine.
In the past years, especially since I have been gone at school for 4 years now, he has become my mom's baby. She loves him so much and I know he has been a good little companion for her. This last week when my brother and his wife were over they suggested my mom take him to the vet because he was looking very sick and not eating.
She took him into the vet and found out he has Diabetes. My mom was and is rather upset. Mario is at the vet's for about 48 hours while he gets supervision and gets liquids pumped into his system. I always knew something someday would happen to him but I always hoped he would just live forever. He is not dead or anything but either way I know both my mom and I have a hard time with the idea of losing our little Mario!
Anyway I love him, he is my beautiful four legged friend. (These are my two favorite pictures of him that my sister in law Kate took!)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Thoughts on finals:
A) I am going to get better grades than I had originally thought
B) I am actually not stressed about my finals this semester
C) I actually enjoyed doing my final paper for one class and final power point for another
D) I am very excited for finals however to be over next week because that means I get to start getting my dress altered and I get to start working on our wedding invitations!!!
A) I am going to get better grades than I had originally thought
B) I am actually not stressed about my finals this semester
C) I actually enjoyed doing my final paper for one class and final power point for another
D) I am very excited for finals however to be over next week because that means I get to start getting my dress altered and I get to start working on our wedding invitations!!!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Scrapbook CD's entertain me
The semester is almost over!
Finals start next week! I am so excited, I only have this Summer and Fall of Classes left and next winter I am just working for my internship and then I am done!!!
School is wrapping up, Allyson and Jon's wedding is coming up in like 28 days!!! That means I am 78 days from our wedding! I can't wait to come home in a month and visit! I can't believe it is coming up so soon!
I have been working a ton and saving money for Dan and I! I have been very good at keeping my budget that I have set for myself over the past month! I have always tried keeping a budget but I never wrote much down after I decided what my budget would be so I got a check register and have been doing great!
Work has been horrible and I have threatened to quit at least once a day for the past 2 months. Its not only disliking one of the managers, its a mixture of dislike for him and my irritation with a very sad coworker and then the combination of the two of them together.
Dan won big gift card at Costco from his work which is another fun thing that has happened in the past month! He will most likely be buying a very large TV with the money. Yay!!
I have been working a ton and saving money for Dan and I! I have been very good at keeping my budget that I have set for myself over the past month! I have always tried keeping a budget but I never wrote much down after I decided what my budget would be so I got a check register and have been doing great!
Work has been horrible and I have threatened to quit at least once a day for the past 2 months. Its not only disliking one of the managers, its a mixture of dislike for him and my irritation with a very sad coworker and then the combination of the two of them together.
Dan won big gift card at Costco from his work which is another fun thing that has happened in the past month! He will most likely be buying a very large TV with the money. Yay!!

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