Tuesday, December 20, 2011

2011 in Photos

If you haven't noticed this is my yearly tradition (since 2009) seen here, and here..

So another year has come and gone and we are heading into 2012 now!!! Can't believe it! Our baby girl will be 2 soon and she is the light of our life... hence why the following pictures will pretty much all be of her!

January: Spent most the month indoors away from the cold cuddling with this little girl

February: Celebrated Ava's first Valentines Day

March: Celebrated Ava's 1st birthday!!!

April: Ava got her first tooth on April Fools Day

May: Ava finally started walking!

June: I turned 25 (and these photos were my birthday present :)

July: Ava got tubes in her ears! SO thankful for tubes!

August: Lisa Ava and I went to MONTANA!!

September: Ava turned 18 months and started nursery :)

October: Family photos and Ava's 2nd Halloween

November: 2nd Thanksgiving

December: 2nd Christmas


Allison and Mason: said...

How fun! I love blogs! If you'd like an invite to mine just let me know! I can't believe Ava didn't get a tooth until she was over a year!! I'm kinda jealous... when little Boone got his teeth that's when I felt like he officially grew up... and I was sad. I love those gummy smiles! Love your blog!

Julie said...

I can't believe how quickly she has grown up!! Too cute :)