Monday, January 16, 2012

Big Girl Bed!

Tonight is Ava's first night in her "big girl bed" OH wish us luck!!
We decided a month and a half ago (well at Thanksgiving) that it was getting close to time. She weighs over 32 pounds now and lifting her out of her crib has been causing my back pain to be excruciating. We ordered the little toddler rail for her bed since it was 50% off on amazon and decided around new years after family had left we would give it a go.
Well new years came and went and since Ava and I both got sick we didn't change her bed over. Since we decided we are heading to AZ in a few weeks I realized I either needed to switch her now or buy some sort of "toddler tent bed" for our trip because shes way too big (tall and heavy) for her pack n play, it was a stretch to use it 6 months ago but now we definitely can't use it.
We did our usual bedtime routine (after I spent over an hour setting up her bed and baby proofing the room) and got her to bed around 7:30 (2 hours ago)... She stayed in her bed for 50 minutes! I thought we were home free but since then in the last hour shes gotten up 4 or 5 times and came to the door trying to open it. We have the baby monitor on as well. I hope we some how get some sleep tonight and we figure this thing out. I'm giving it a few nights and if it doesn't work we are going back to the crib.

1 comment:

Steve + Brindy Arnett said...

good luck! i still have jude in his crib but getting his new bed/room ready and soo nervous to move him over!! im waiting till he figures out how to get out of his cage {crib} ;)

i love her bed tho..its super cute! and i love her curls!! she is so adorable!! :)