Thursday, July 29, 2010

Our Move

This last week has been crazy but I have a moment to update so I guess I will.

We had hired a moving company to move us so we wouldn't have to drive a large moving truck this year like we did last year. We were really excited about this. We simply had to pack the truck when it arrived and then they would drive it to Utah. Well on Thursday last week we got a call from the company, our customer service rep told us that the truck that was in route to our house had major mechanical failure and was no longer going to arrive on Saturday and they couldn't tell us when a truck would be arriving. WHAT! grr We tried to work something out for 2 days but then on Friday we had to bag it and call Penske to reserve a truck for that day!

Thanks to my family we got the truck all packed pretty quick. My brothers did a great job moving stuff really fast. Dan's mom flew down on Friday night to drive back up with us so that Dan didn't have to be alone in the truck and so that she could help me with Ava in my car if I needed her to. I'm thankful for all of our family because we could not have done the move without them.

The drive was pretty bad. I'm thankful I never had to drive our moving truck but the first day we drove from Tempe, through Bullhead City and Vegas to St George. Boy it was a horribly long day. Took us 11 hours to get to St George. Ava screamed the last hour straight and there was no where to pull over. It was bad.

Finally on Sunday we got into Orem and got our keys. Once again family and Dan's amazing friends came over to unpack us on a record hot Utah day. It took about 2 days to get our main furniture set up but Tuesday night was our first night sleeping in our new place. Ava did wonderfully, Tiny didn't. We let him sleep in the living room and sadly enough that didn't work because too many windows equals one whiny dog. We moved his bed into the 3rd bedroom which will now be the Office/Tiny's room/Guest bedroom.

Last night everyone slept well. I was able to feed Ava at 5am, get her back to sleep, take Tiny out to go to the bathroom and back in without ever waking up Dan. This is always my goal. He doesn't mind helping but I'm stubborn and really like to do it myself and let him sleep. I never thought I would be a morning person but waking up at 5 is totally fine by me now.

Today we are going to get our new Utah licenses, title and registration. Too bad Utah is dumb and couldn't figure out how to make 1 DMV where you do all those things at... we have to go to 2 places.... ugh Utah.


miss chaz. said...

Sounds like you guys hired the same moving company as jade and dan...they STILL haven't received their stuff and it's been 10 days! crazy companies!

I'm so sorry i didn't get a chance to see you guys before you moved (or in general this summer)! :( totally failed as a friend! lol but i hope you guys enjoy your new adventure in Utah! I'm so excited to hear about it:)

alyssa said...

Moving is always stressful! I like new places, but I hate moving all of my stuff!! Luckily, we did the same thing where we packed and they drove, but it's still a pain!

I'm glad you're in Utah safe and Hopefully getting settled will go smoothly!