Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Ultrasound Pictures

We had another ultrasound today, I know it may seem like we have already gotten 1 million of these but my pregnancy is labeled high risk. Thankfully, though, nothing has been out of the ordinary, they just watch us extra extra close.

She is growing great and weighs 3 pounds now! She has turned since our last ultrasound 4 weeks ago... She was nearly head down at 25 1/2 weeks... now she is completely Frank Breech with her butt on bottom and her head and feet straight up. They said she has time to turn again so we will see if she turns back head down by our next ultrasound next month.

We got to do more 3d shots of her, although because of her position now it was harder to get a good face shot, she did however stick her tough out at us during the video!

She opens her mouth then sticks her tongue out at 38 seconds


Renae said...

That's so nice that you get so many ultrasounds... even if it is because your pregnancy is high risk. I can't believe how close you are getting to meeting your little girl! Yay!

chels said...

Brittany, she is just gorgeous! And you can see a lot of resemblance to her daddy already in her facial features! I'm so glad you have this blog and post all the time, it's nice to be able to "be there" since I can't be there! Miss you guys! <3 Chels