Monday, August 24, 2009

Ward Calling: Nursery

I was super happy when we got this calling yesterday. Its where I have wanted to be for a long time! I think Dan will adjust as time goes on, but he did really good yesterday with the kids. Thankfully one of my Young Women's leaders (way back when) is the Nursery Leader, it helps me feel more comfortable having her there.

Yesterday was tough because it was the first time I have stayed at church for all 3 hours since my morning sickness started well over a month ago. I was not feeling well, but I made it. I know there are plenty of people in my ward who don't know I am pregnant and I am just keeping it like that for awhile.

1 comment:

Charlie and Christina said...

Yeah for Nursery! You guys will do great! Charlie was so great with the kids, he just got on the floor and played with them while I did all the adult stuff, he is jsut a big kid!