Thursday, August 6, 2009

Morning Sickness

I have started looking forward to 2 pm everyday! That is when my morning sickness eases up enough that I can usually do things again and eat. Not always but most days.

I can't look at raw meat and the smell of cooking chicken just about kills me. I really don't like "watching" TV while I am sick because for some reason Burger King dominates the air ways and has gross commercials with large patties of meat that fill our 42 inch screen.

I have been trying to find different "remedies"... I will no longer eat saltine crackers and pretzels are soon to follow on the list of what I won't eat... Strawberry Jello is doing okay on my list and I still am liking the sprite zero...

I keep hearing that ginger helps. I don't like drinking tea (or anything hot for that matter)... I am starting to think I want some of that ginger from sushi bars! But I don't really know any good sushi places where I could get a California roll and some ginger...

That's all for today.


Jeanine said...

Yay that you're pregnant!!! Boo for the morning sickness! I was really lucky for the little while that I was pregnant because I didn't get morning sickness...I just got a little sick to my stomach if I didn't eat a snack every couple of hours. I hope that holds true the next time I'm pregnant.
My thing was tiredness...are you tired all the time? Take naps while you can!!!

Brittany Calkins said...

Ya I am exhausted all the time and have been for the past 2 months! I sleep a lot... right now sleeping and being sick is kinda my full time job! Thanks Jeanine!

RedFeather said...

You can get straight ginger from Lee Lee's in Chandler. Send Dan though...lots of raw meats and smells there...

That being said, straight ginger is tough for most people to eat. Its really easy to make ginger hard candies though, which are a little easier. Let me know if you want the recipe or you want me to find some fresh ginger and make you some.

Love ya!

Rachael said...

Ginger ale? or the following sushi places: Sakana, Sushi Eye, or SakeBomber. They also sell ginger in grocery stores.

Brittany Calkins said...

Ya I think I am going to get some take out California Rolls today with Ginger!

Kate, Ben and Archie said...

You are pregnant! COngrats! I haven't checked blogs in forever- such good news! I am so excited for you--- that is so great. ONe thing that worked for me were Preggie Pops, they helped a little, mostly that I had something to suck on- they have all different flavors, ginger included. Ahhh! Happy days. I love you!

Clarissa B. said...

I reccomend Ginger Ale, I have no clue if it every actually helped me (nothing helped me) but it was worth a try. I really liked soda. I was get it in a can and then just drink it all right up, the carbonation would burn so bad but it felt good. Haha something about drink it and it burning as it goes down rather than throwing up and it burns as it comes up made me happy.

Also I would recommend that if you are ever feeling really sick just eat super dry stuff. It is a lot harder to throw-up because your stomach absorbs it faster. Like if you ever want a sandwich, don't have any mayo and no drink. Avoid beans and soups.

Wow that was a lot of advice! I am so unbelievably happy for you and Dan! Seriously if you ever need anything please let me know! I remember when I was pregnant I just wished that someone would call me to let me know that they knew I still existed. I love you girl!