We started packing up a bit ago and I have made a little more progress in that area. I feel like I have gotten the kitchen pretty well packed. Its a little strange that in 10 days we will be all packed and out of our apartment!
Today was our last Sunday at our ward. It was nice, but I can't believe the year is over. I will miss the friends we made, but I know we will be hearing good things from them in the future. It was really nice to have our friend Jackie come by this morning and chat with her for a while. I know there is definitely a reason I met her this year. She has been such a wonderful example to me and I hope I can be like her in so many ways!
I am feeling a lot better about life. I was having a rough time for the past few weeks in regards to health insurance and life after Provo. I have picked myself up and dusted off and I feel like we have a plan and that whatever happens, it will be for the best. I am excited that we are moving and that we will have a new beginning in Arizona!
Tonight we had dinner at Dan's parents with Aunt Joan and Uncle Mo. Kathy was telling us about the bandit that has been stealing bird seed out of their bird feeder when he ran by on the street! Later we go home and she emailed these picture to us! I had to share because he is such a cute little bird seed bandit!