Thursday, February 19, 2009

Halfway Done

Although I say I am halfway done, its only with this semester... I still have to find a Gerontology internship, do my Gerontology internship and finish my 3 online classes before I graduate. And I want to be done by JUNE!?

I am very stressed and don't have much time to do anything... aww life.

1 comment:

mairzy said...

♥ YOU CAN DO IT!!! Haha I have to create an intaglio print that's my final, finish a painting that needs at lease 4 hours of my attention, cut a bunch of paper down to 8 1/2 by 11 and get stuff printed on it so I can make it into a book, cut MORE paper and some boards, create the covers for multiple books, do my Art History readings, start a research paper, and find time to eat and sleep somewhere in there. I TOTALLY feel you. I haven't had a social life at all this semester. But WE CAN DO IT!!!