Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Life is a highway... a very expensive highway like the one they are building at Hoover Dam

My mind keeps throwing it in my face that in just 6 months from now, Dan and I will be getting married and will have a whole onslaught of new expenses that I have never had before. Health Insurance for 2, 2 peoples car insurances, car payment for 1, gas money for 2, SCHOOL FOR 2, an apartment for 2, food for 2, all of our own utilities, and numerous other amounts of things that come along.

I have seriously taken advantage of the fact that in the past 3 and a half years I have not had a car (until now), been splitting utilities between up to 5-7 girls and have had all say (for the most part) on how to spend my money. Now I have to think about, well, how soon can we be debt free and BURN our credit cards, how much money can I get back from my rental deposit, textbooks, dvds, etc., how cheap of an apartment can we get (I am getting pretty excited about these run down little holes in SLC).

I am not at all upset about the fact that I will no longer be a single vagabond moving every year from apartment to house, from boyfriend to hook up back to boyfriend as the cycle repeats itself. I look forward to the fact that Daniel and I will have a small place to call our own. I can't ensure him that we will have much, but he brings a nice comfy enormous bed into our marriage and I bring with me some dishes and a job.

So when it comes down to it, and we are scrounging around to get by and we spend most of our nights sitting in our furnitureless apartment on our large bed eating dinner off the actual dishes we own, we will have each other.

I love Daniel. I can't think of another person in this world that I could have as much fun doing nothing with, as well as everything with, than him. I have never had someone so full of life and energy and excitement as Daniel is even thou we don't always show that side of ourselves to others, we show each other.

While telling Dan some of my favorite childhood memories today at lunch, I saw so much in him in that moment of him listening to me. His eyes lit up with everything I have ever felt and his interest and love for me shown through... I am so lucky to share this adventure with him, no matter what the cost.


mairzy said...

Ahh. . . I love it. You should write a book about being poor and married, and give it the happy glowing feel that you gave this post. I'd read it!

Brittany Calkins said...

I have to be honest I feel like you are stalking me! lol just kidding... I should... or something! lol I started crying at lunch today when Dan was looking at me... I started crying when I was finishing this post... I AM SUCH A GIRL! Shoot me!

mairzy said...

Perhaps I am. . . mwah hahaha. . .

Awww. . .you are such a girl, but it's cute :-) Embrace the girliness!!