Thursday, June 16, 2011

15 Month Appt

Weight: 25 pounds 11 ounces (85th %)
Height: 33 inches (98th %)
Head: 19 inches (94%)

Ava didn't get any of her shots today because she needed more antibiotics for her ear. Her eardrum is ruptured :( and has been bleeding. We have to take her back on Saturday to look and see if she needs more antibiotic and to see how her ear is doing.

We go back in 2 weeks to do a weight check and to get her shots. She has lost 2 pounds (which could be from having the flu this weekend) so we just want to make sure her weight starts going back up because she was nearly 28 pounds at 13 1/2 months old.

We are going to do tubes in her ears and we are going to get her tear ducts probed... hoping to get her into the doctor soon so we can get this all done asap.

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