Monday, June 28, 2010

2 Years!

I can't believe in 6 days we will have known each other 3 years, 2 years ago we were married and 1 year ago (yesterday) we were sealed! Nothing too eventful this week though! haha Other than the fact that this year we have an ever so fun adorable 3 month old!!!Probably one of my favorite wedding photos!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Talking girl

Ava talks to her friends on her sheet :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

She Rolls!!

Ava first rolled over last Friday from belly to back! She had partially rolled over from back to belly a few times but was always getting stuck on her arm. But on Friday she rolled and made it look so easy! Then she didn't do it again so I assumed it was an accident. Well today she rolled over 2 more times within 1 minute! Go Ava!!! She hates hates hates being on her belly so she doesn't spend much time in "tummy time" so this was a big achievement! (please forgive the fact that we are watching a baby story in the background and someone is delivering their baby on the tv right at this moment hahaha)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Dang Weight

So I have learned in the last 3 months that I cannot do things by myself like I like to. I need help and I HATE asking for help. I think I am getting better at letting Dan and others know what I need though. But I still hate doing it.

One thing I have realized after 3 months is that I cannot lose this weight on my own. I am determined to lose this weight before we even think about having a 2nd baby. I have 2 conditions that MUST be met before we even start trying for a 2nd and both of these things will probably take another 2-3 years so don't get any ideas that I am trying for a 2nd anytime soon.

Doing weight watchers "on my own" during the last 3 months is NOT working for me. When I do weight watchers, it totally works for me but I have to go to the meetings and be accountable to someone (who is not Dan). I really need to change the way I eat because working out right now is extremely painful. I feel like I have no stomach muscles anymore so all I can do is walk.

So anyway, here I go... I'm going on Monday morning (diets always start on Monday's right? haha). They have a meeting that you can bring kids to so I can't take Ava with me. Here's to some much needed change!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

3 months

3 months old, 15 pounds, 26 inches long, 16.5 inch head, size 2 diapers and technically in 3-6 month clothes but we put her in both 3-6 and 6-9

Sunday, June 13, 2010

A week in photos

good way to start our week with one happy ava
throwing a fit but all of a sudden we noticed her umbilical hernia was gone, hoorah
chloe and ava at 12 weeks old
tummy time
eating rice cereal
awkward family photo in a bathroom haha
chelsea's wedding
love her so much
its like playing dress up everyday! (especially sunday)
starting to roll
happy bday grama

In My Expert Opinion!!

Since being a mom of a 3 month old makes me an expert and all (totally kidding) I figured I would share some of my favorite and least favorite baby things we have used so far!


What we have tried: Pampers Baby Dry, Pampers Swaddlers, Huggies Snug and Dry, Huggies Pure and Natural, Huggies Snugglers, Seventh Generation, Parents Choice Walmart, Luvs

If money wasn't an issue: I would only use Huggies Pure and Natural on Ava!! they are the best but at about 30 cents a diaper, thats a no go.

Because money is an issue: I am loving me some Luvs with the bear stretch tabs! I like the baby powder smell to them and they fit Ava wonderfully. At 15 cents a diaper they are much more practical for our budget.

What we hated: I didn't have a big problem with any of the other diapers other than the 7th generations and the Walmart diapers! They leaked horribly and I will never use them again.


What we have tried: Pampers Sensitives, Huggies Sensitives, Huggies Soft Skin with Shea Butter, Huggies Thick-n-clean, Walmart Parent Choice Sensitives

What we love: Since I can get so many Huggies wipes coupons, money isn't a big deal in this field so I buy what I love and thats the Huggies Soft Skin with Shea Butter!!! Again, totally love the scent and I love how thick these wipes are!

What we hated: I didn't have a big problem with any of the other huggies wipes, I didn't love the pampers sensitives but they were fine... I hated the Walmart Parent Choice one's however, they never stayed wet enough, always drying out and they are tiny, I go through so many more wipes when I use them.


What we have tried: Avent, Gerber Gentle Flow, Gerber Nursers, Gerber Nuks, Green to Grow

What we love: I love the Avents and we have a few but since money is kinda an issue again, I found that Gerber makes a copy cat Avent bottle called the Gentle Flow! I get 3 9oz bottles for 8$ (plus I use a coupon) so much cheaper than the 8 dollars a bottle the Avents usually run! Ava loves using these types of bottles!

What we hated: The Nuks!! HORRIBLE... well at least for refluxy Ava... bad investment only 13$ for 3 bottles but we bought 6 plus different speed nipples.. oh well maybe next baby will use them.


What we have tried: Possibly ever pacifier out there...

What we love: Ava only loves 2 different pacifiers. One is a no name pacifier that you can get at Babies R Us with your babies name on it and the 2nd is any 6-18 month Avent pacifier! She hates all other pacifiers.

What we hated: All the other pacifiers we bought that she doesn't like, especially the itty bitty sized ones... she has always liked the huge pacifiers.

Other things I love and couldn't live without:

Our Graco Snugride 32! Perfect carseat for us (even if people do think she is a boy because its blue)

The stroller that goes with the carseat! Adore it.

Ava's swing was a god send! Its the Fisher Price Starlight swing! Ava LOVES it!

Bath sling thingy... super cheap and way less space than a baby tub!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Nearly 3 month dr apt

Ava wasn't supposed to go back to the doctor till July but worried mommy had to take her in today! She has been having a rough few days.. Eating has been particularly difficult and Ava has been super fussy. I thought maybe she had an ear infection in combination of how she was acting but nope, all fine. The doctor did say her reflux is not any better and that may explain her feeding aversion. So we started her on Zantac today. I hope it helps her feel better!

I was so surprised when they weighed her today. Its been nearly a month since her last doctors appointment and she has gained just over 1 pound! The last 2 visits she has gained 3 pounds each month, so not as quick anymore. She is currently 14 pounds 9 ounces and 26 inches long! Holy moly. She has gone from 97 to 93 percentile for weight and from 95 to 99 for length. She is not a short baby!

3 Month Photos

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Who does she look like?

These were all taken at approximately 3 months old :)

A tiny dress

I love this little dress! It is 28 years old, I can't believe it's that old. It was originally my sister, Allison's dress, then mine, now Ava's. I need to scan a copy of Allison wearing this dress too! Those little shoe's Ava is wearing where mine as well! I adore them but I think their days are numbered. Her toes are finally all the way to the end and are getting tight.

Friday, June 4, 2010

My 2nd job

I started an Etsy shop last fall... but I am just now starting to add stuff to it. I kept putting it off, but I am fully addicted to making hair bows and since Ava doesn't need 5 million, I figure it would try and sell some.

I also started a new craft blog to keep track of all the stuff I've made. Until I put it together I had no idea how much stuff I have made this year. I can't wait till I can have a craft room someday! Aww that would be heaven!!