So today I was pretty happy about having electricity and heat for the first time this week. My roommates are making a formal compliant and asking for compensation to BYU. BYU sets up our mediation and we basically take our landlord in and hopefully something will get done about all the problems we have had this year.

We typed up a 5 page summary of all the bad things that they have done this year and what we want! The heat was like the final HUGE straw that broke the camels back... You put SEVEN girls in a house for 3 days without HEAT OR LIGHT during midterms and there is HELL to pay!
I stopped by the post office today to ask one of the post men if he knew if I could get pretty stamps the week that the rate changes... He said NO! He said they release new stamps a few weeks later and for the first month or so its only flag stamps. He said the only way I could do pretty stamps was to buy 41 cent stamps I liked and then add the 1 cent stamp too it. EH I thought to myself... Pretty stamp would then look cluttered by UNpretty 1 cent stamp and seeing as I am a matching FREAK! I am sticking with the liberty bell forever stamps... They go in the trash before the announcement does anyway, Right!?

I had a fantastic find today!!! I had found some ties online for my wedding that I really loved. They had them in XL Regular and Kids, all the same color and they were silk! I really loved them and the fact that the site had Free shipping and 30 day money back return policy! I was caught up thou on the fact that they were going to cost me a ton. I kept telling myself, ties for one day for all the guys to match should not be this much and I was sure I could find something cheaper.

So I went to the local tie store in the mall... What a hellishly fun event that has been over the last 3 weeks! Trying to get those moronic 16 year olds to tell me own to get 5 of the same color xl tie at one store was like trying to teach my dog French! I told Dan that the only reason putting up with their crap was worth it was the fact that the ties seemed to be a pretty good quality, they matched and they were CHEAP.

LONG STORY SHORT! I found today that the original ties I wanted were on SALE! (well the XL) and we needed 6 of those so it was divine!