Realized Today that she hasn't called Dan "Ava" in a while. She only calls him Dad now. I kind of miss it when she called him Ava all the time!
She woke up extra early yesterday and the first words she said when I opened her door were "Hi mom! Are you tired?" I was tired but so impressed by her little sentence!
She pee'd the ever so tiniest bit on the big toilet today! She's all for sitting on the toilet but she wants to get off of it as soon as possible. She doesn't want to wear diapers, she removes them as soon as they are wet. So hopefully she will want to really start using the 'potty' soon!
She has the most amazing memory, she can quote along with songs, movies, shows... she remembers where she puts things or where things are that we haven't seen or been to in months. She asked to go to the pool when we were at the gym and she hasn't been swimming in there since fall at least.
Speaking of the gym, we go to the Orem Rec Center and all the fitness machines line this one long room that also happens to be the hall you walk into. As we walk in to check in, Ava yells Hi, how you doing, hi guys at everyone working out on the treadmills and bikes :) The elderly are usually the only ones that yell back, occasionally a mom or 2 smile.
I can't believe that in 2 months she will be 3. It all goes by too fast!
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