I'm down 17 pounds!!!
On Ava's birthday I weighed the most I've ever weighed which is very depressing since I've gained all the weight I've lost before on Weight Watchers back :( I weigh more now than I did at 9 months pregnant with Ava as well, since I'm being honest. Its VERY frustrating.
I've dealt with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome since I was 13 (so half my life now). Its very frustrating and the accompanying insulin resistance makes it very hard to lose weight and really easy to gain and the more you gain the harder it is to lose. Its a really crummy cycle.
Ava's 2nd birthday was one of the lowest times of my life (and no nothing to do with Ava). As soon as we got home from our trip I made the decision to not let my weight stand in the way of what I want. All I want in life is to be happy, healthy and have more children.
At times it feels a little strange to think "I have to lose weight so I can gain it again while pregnant" but being pregnant will be SO completely worth it.
I'm hoping to lose 80 pounds, which isn't even all I need to lose but 80 is my goal right now. Sounds like so much some days so I try to just focus on small weekly goals first. Dan has lost nearly 30 pounds (he also started about a month before me however). I'm proud of him and of myself for doing this.
We have been using "my fitness pal" on our phones. This is the first time I've ever tried anything other than Weight Watchers, and I'm really liking this. It has its similarities to Weight Watchers but I also very much enjoy not having to figure out points.
Anyway I'm halfway to my first big goal I set on Ava's birthday which was to lose her weight of 33 pounds!